Just completed my 1st EMT-B class


Forum Lieutenant
Hi guys and girls. Just wanted to share with people who understand how excited I am after my first class. We performed the new AHA BLS CPR standards. I had a great time, except for my knees killing me. Commercial carpet over concrete for 4 hours = sore knees. I have class Thursday and hope to ace my ALS CPR test. I am just excited to finally be learning my C A B's and getting class time.

PS - Just ordered the 5.11 EMT pants with Knee pads for Thursday. I have read the book front to back tonight after class and plan to read it two more times and have my wife test me before class. Anything else I should be doing?

PSS - Yes, I know I am probably being viewed by you vets as over zealous, but I love learning and can't wait for my next class. :)


Forum Chief
Naw, not over-zealous... we were all at that stage (some of us still are!). Glad you're enjoying it.

Yes... hurt knees from CPR sucks. I already had a bad knee and made it worse a couple weeks back on a code after doing compressions on some rough, uneven ground. Never fun.


Forum Crew Member
Congrats! And not at all, I was just about as excited as you can get when I was taking my B class. You should be excited- it's exciting! Good for you that you're ready and willing to put so much work into it, because you'll get out of it what you put into it.

P.S. CPR class is a killer! Usually bringing along a sweatshirt to kneel on is a good idea, plus you can wear it if you get cold.


Community Leader
First of all, congratulations on getting through your first class. CPR can be a killer... next time you do one of those classes, definitely bring along a sweatshirt! Don't get discouraged. There will be points in the class that things just don't make sense. Ask questions. Even of us if you have to! Sometimes hearing something explained differently makes thing stick in the head.

When you can, take an Anatomy and Physiology course. Even the semester-long survey courses can be beneficial, but if you can, do the full year-long series.

Learn what "normal" is. Basically everything stems from that. If you don't know what "normal" is, how are you supposed to know what isn't normal? Try to learn/figure out why something is done a particular way. You'll be learning the "what" of things. As you learn the "why" behind them, you'll end up being a better provider than your peers as you'll be making better, more informed decisions.

Above all, keep learning! A strong desire to learn is a wonderful thing. Don't let anyone keep you from wanting to learn more!


Forum Crew Member
Love it! Congratulations! Would love to be in your shoes (not the hurt knees though!) soon.

My college cancelled our EMT-B class twice now and have to wait till next academic year before I can attend. So I'm just antsy about the whole thing! Can't wait!


Forum Probie


Congrats! It's exciting to see people excited about getting started. :) Good job!


Forum Captain
Hi guys and girls. Just wanted to share with people who understand how excited I am after my first class. We performed the new AHA BLS CPR standards. I had a great time, except for my knees killing me. Commercial carpet over concrete for 4 hours = sore knees. I have class Thursday and hope to ace my ALS CPR test. I am just excited to finally be learning my C A B's and getting class time.

PS - Just ordered the 5.11 EMT pants with Knee pads for Thursday. I have read the book front to back tonight after class and plan to read it two more times and have my wife test me before class. Anything else I should be doing?

PSS - Yes, I know I am probably being viewed by you vets as over zealous, but I love learning and can't wait for my next class. :)

Congrats Gray! I'm just a little over halfway through my Basic course and I'm still very excited. It's fun and humbling at the same time. One thing I would highly recommend that I'm doing is to get into study groups ASAP. I'm in a study group now and only wish I would have started earlier. Choose your study group members carefully. People that are driven like you. We've been running each other through medical & trauma assessments plus the other skill sheets. I don't know if this is an option for you but if possible be a patient for those who are doing the certification testing. I don't know how other states roll but here in Oregon your written test is the NREMT and the practicals is run through Oregon DHS. My school is a state testing center and I was a patient. I got to see what the state test was prior to being a candidate. I feel confident in the stations I was at as a PT. I wish I would have gotten to be a PT for trauma or medical assessments. Anyways good luck.


Forum Lieutenant
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and advice. The teacher is great. Turns out she plays softball with my sister, so small world. I am actually going to be a PT for the state exam for the students who are taking it April 30th.

I'll have to look into study groups talk to a few people. At age 35 I am the grandpa of the class but that's OK.

Right now we have started vital signs and I got to show off my Littman Master Cardiology. Well I am off to nurse my sore body. Been taking Krav Maga and we spent 5 hours last night on gun disarms.

Disclaimer: I am in no way a cowboy nor would I attempt to disarm someone while on the job. This is more for personal protection and a great work out.

Till later on, be well.


Forum Probie
I think that's awesome how excited you are about class! From what I have seen, they need more people like that! I just completed my EMT-IV course. I really liked it & worked hard. The thing that kinda killed my attitude some were the slackers in class. And there were quite a few. I have heard that this is pretty much the norm. There were just a handful of other students in my class who I enjoyed being around, and they were really good too.

Keep up the good work & enthusiasm!


Forum Lieutenant
Just had my first big test, 1 of 4 and some people definitely slacked. I did OK for it being my first test I have taken since 1995. Some did not do their work books. Now that I know how the test works Ill do better. Lost 2 questions as I answered the answer bubbles as "E". There was no "E" option. :)


Forum Ride Along

Grey, congrats on the first steps. I am also like you very thrilled to get my classes going the end of this month. I am currently going to be attending 4 nights a week and still playing Army guy during the day. I have been looking over the books for class and double and triple checking all my stuff. So I can relate to the part of being so excited. Take care man and best of luck.


Forum Lieutenant
Hi guys thank you for the responses. It makes my day. SO what I am trying my hardest to not be is a "whacker". Would a small flashlight, steth and shears be too much? I don't want to look like batman, but do know there's a high probability I'll be working nights. I just like to be prepared while not being weighed down.

Also Andrew, I know you may not get a lot of thanks for being in the service. But I sincerely thank you for defending our freedom.

Also, I wish the mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day. :)


Forum Ride Along
Grey, you're welcome. I enjoyed what I did for 10 years and now look forward to a new direction in my life.


Forum Lieutenant
Hi guys and girls, just wanted to follow up. I just finished my class and I got a solid B. Really wish I got an A but it is what it is. The further we got into class the more I realized how little a Basic knows with this amount of class time. So I am planning on taking a few Anatomy/Physiology classes to further expand my knowledge and be a better EMT. I am also going to take a ASL session, and in a few months start learning Spanish. I challenge the state on July 30th and I am very excited.


Passed my class, challenging state and expanding my knowledge.

PS - Where can I get EMT boots, shears, do I need a window punch, where do I get EMT pants with 20 pockets and what kind of lights should go in my POV? Just kidding. I am anti-whacker. ^_^


Forum Deputy Chief
Boots at police supply or uniform stores (safety toe), if you want a decent set of shears go online, you don't need a window punch (thats why we keep FFs around), and you might be lucky enough to find a uniform store that keeps EMS pants around, though I wear Tac pats with a shears holster on my belt. To find out what stores there are in your area, google it or ask your agency chief (no reason to be buying everything before you're affiliated).


Forum Crew Member
Big Gratz! I just passed my EMTB in March. Gonna start EMTI in September. Can't wait. Im still excited to be an EMT! Get the pants for sure. Amazingly usefull.


Forum Lieutenant
So, here it is 12 hours and change before my State Practical exam. I went to bed at 9 and have done nothing but run through that stations in my head 100 times. I know the stations well, (I got 100% on my practical for my class) yet I am still nervous. Going to try and go back to bed. Just figured since I started the thread I'd give an update. Hope everyone is home safe and having a good night.

- Gray


Flight RN/Paramedic
So, here it is 12 hours and change before my State Practical exam. I went to bed at 9 and have done nothing but run through that stations in my head 100 times. I know the stations well, (I got 100% on my practical for my class) yet I am still nervous. Going to try and go back to bed. Just figured since I started the thread I'd give an update. Hope everyone is home safe and having a good night.

- Gray

Good luck man! You seem passionate about this so you shouldn't have any problem passing