Joined a DMAT


Forum Safety Officer
OK, as if I didn't have enough to do...

I put in my application tonight to be the Safety Officer for Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) CA-1. I had originally planned to just go in as an EMT, but the team's Deputy Commander (who was my co-instructor for that ARC class I just finished) talked me into the SO position...better utilizes my skills in those areas and better pay on deployments. I can still deploy as an EMT though (if an SO isn't required) and still get paid at the higher rate.

For those who aren't familiar, DMATs are emergency medical teams made up of everything from EMTs to MDs that deploy to provide austere medical care at major disasters and large events (such as the Olympics). They're organized under the National Disaster Medical System, part of FEMA. Members are volunteers when it comes to the routine activities (most training, maintenance, etc.) but become Federal employees and are paid as such when deployed to an event or major training activities (drills and such).

DMAT CA-1 is one of the Level 1 teams, which means they're more or less self-sufficient when deployed and can be sent to the biggest disasters. Part of the team was just down in Florida for the recent hurricane response.

So, now I'm just waiting...application has to be processed through the main office so they can determine if I'm qualified for the SO position and get me in the system. The team only meets once a month normally, so that's not too bad. There is a 2 day exercise coming up at the end of January though...hopefully everything's processed by then.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Sounds interesting, good luck with that :)

A couple of weeks ago we had our bioterrorism / hazmat training, and set up similar teams for large-scale medical situations. Each private ambulance company was provided a section of the state, and we went over protocols for mass casualty treatment and transport.

Very interesting, though I can't say I'd ever want to be part of a team like that. Having just a handful of patients is enough for me :)