I'm new here


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Hi, My name is Arctan!
I'm hoping to join Fire & Rescue once they start hiring again.
I know a few things about EMS, And I really wanted to talk to people who had experience in the field so,
That's why I'm here.
Not sure where else you posted, but it's all good. Welcome! Help yourself to the fridge. Just don't touch ffemt8978's turkey sandwich.
Just don't touch ffemt8978's turkey sandwich.
That sandwich belonged to @ffemt8978? he didn't label it, and I had the munchies last night...

But don't worry, it was really tasty
That sandwich belonged to @ffemt8978? he didn't label it, and I had the munchies last night...

But don't worry, it was really tasty
The turkey sandwich was the decoy set out for those who rummage the fridge. Enjoy.

@Arctan welcome to the forum.

Some people get short with their answers when you ask a question; don't take it personally; it is more that people ask the same questions that have been asked 100 times before.
Do a little research (digging) to see if you can find an answer before you ask.
Sit back and hold on: some of the answers get pretty deep and hard to understand, do a little research to figure it out