I am an EMT and I have a question for you. (California EMTs specifically or SD)


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I have to be honest with you guys, I don't know what to expect. But, what do I loose.

I am 24 and I got a DUI infraction when I was a minor. CV 23136 (if you want to check it out)
My license was suspended for a year, but according to law enforcement since it was an infraction the charge disappears after 3 years. To be clear is not a misdemeanor or felony.

I thought about going straight to Paramedic school. However, as far as I know in San Diego you need to work as an EMT to be able to apply to Paramedic school. Any suggestions?

Do I still have a shot? or did I just waste my time
Can I at least do ride alongs I mean... ****.
I am already an EMT.
Anyways, thanks for your time guys.

PS. Emt schools should let you know if you can't qualify to be an EMT before taking the course.
Gonna be honest, you're gonna have a hard time finding a job at many companies. There may be a few that will overlook it and allow you to attend-only but it's pretty rare. DUIs are a deal breaker for most companies because their insurance won't cover you.
Gonna be honest, you're gonna have a hard time finding a job at many companies. There may be a few that will overlook it and allow you to attend-only but it's pretty rare. DUIs are a deal breaker for most companies because their insurance won't cover you.

Actually tomorrow I will go to the DMV to get my driving record. What if it doesn't show up? Am I clear? or do I still have to mention it.
Thanks for the response by the way.
Actually tomorrow I will go to the DMV to get my driving record. What if it doesn't show up? Am I clear? or do I still have to mention it.
Thanks for the response by the way.

If it's no longer on your driving record, I see no need to bring it up. Everybody makes mistakes and hopefully you've learned from this one.

Good luck!
There are paramedic schools in CA that (unfortunately in my opinion) do not require EMT experience. I know it's far, but Bakersfield College does not. And I'm sure there are others. If your DUI somehow does not appear on your driving record, don't bring it up and it shouldn't be an issue. And if it doesn't show up on your record, your chance is as good as any new EMT at getting a job in SD.
I'm a little confused. Wouldn't a deuce show up on your H-6 (10 yr driving record)?
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Your chances of getting hired as an EMT aren't "bad" if you understand that you can be insured by the company's General Liability policy but will be "excluded" as a driver. The insurance companies are looking back 5 years from the date of conviction (not the date of arrest). Good luck and keep going forward on your career.
You cant apply for a state or federal job. but if its clear off your "civilian record" private companies cannot find it, even if charges are expunged,or dropped once it is entered, state or federal level can see if(for most charges/misd/felonies). I am not from California so i can not speculate on their traffic laws, nor will i spend the time frankly, however in NYS it is 5 years. Did you take classes or did the court Mandate anything for you to do, because if so your employer will probably piece 1 and 1 together. There are plenty of job opportunities for you including ER Tech, and along the lines of what MA said, you can ask for a contract that excludes you from driving(youth core kind of thing, or what they do with EMT's under 21) until the Statute runs out, or you hit ME.

Also was it a violation or a misdeam? Again im not familiar with CA laws, only the North east.
I think it is company specific as to what their insurance will allow. I know one EMT with an actual DUI (23152) conviction that is back driving after a period of years. Do you have any points on your record since then? Also, remember that most job applications ask if you have any misdemeanor or felony criminal convictions other than minor traffic violations; however some ask you to list even infractions. Also, some job applications ask if you have ever had a driver's license suspended or revoked, so all applications are different. Remember that in all circumstances, being honest is the best. You have put some significant time between then and now which can only help your cause. The last thing you want is to get a job and then get let go because they felt you were not being honest if they find out about that. For subsequent interveiws, It would be easier to explain a dumb juvenile move from 6 years ago, then why you got fired for being dishonest 6 months ago. Good luck with everything!
I live in SD. If you it shows up on your H6 you will not get hired in any driving position and all local ALS companies will not hire you as a medic if you get your Pcard.