Hospital Rotation for EMT Basic


Forum Ride Along
I never said it wasn't in knowledge base. And if I find an indicator to board someone, I will. But if I have an A&Ox4/4 pt, no neck pain, ambulatory on scene, with no ETOH or other intoxicant on board... They're going to maybe get a collar, then be walked to the truck, or placed on a gurney and loaded into the truck. You have to use common sense and current practice/research to understand that a lot of things that are done in EMS because 'that's the way we've always done things' are wrong.

the towel boys was for someone else, sorry about that. wasnt clear. but again - work in a big city where about 4% of the buildings below 8 stories actually have elevators. I have to follow protocol and orders. I'd rather not lose my cert that allows me to practice my career. If protocol says "immobilize the patient on a long backboard" guess what I'm doing. If you guessed "not get fired" you'd be right.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Actually I'd probably put them in a collar and KED and use a stair chair to get them down. The only places, though, that I have in my coverage area that are over 2 stories are oil rigs... and there if I suspect a spinal injury, I'll collar them, put them in a stokes, and rope them down. Then start a steroid treatment in the field to try to minimize damage.

Side note... I thought I read somewhere that they are finding that steroid treatment for spinal injuries is not doing any good in the long run. Probably mistaken but I think I remember reading that.


Forum Chief
Side note... I thought I read somewhere that they are finding that steroid treatment for spinal injuries is not doing any good in the long run. Probably mistaken but I think I remember reading that.
Our medical director is doing a study on it. Omly reason we still do it