Here you go.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I'm going to say this just once....

"Play nice y'all."


Community Leader
Dammit - FFEMT beat me to it.

Removed AdminWatching image.

OK folks. lets talk the scenario... not the OP (At least not in THIS thread, OK)!
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EMS Paparazzi
Premium Member
Turner don't take it to heart by the responses you've seen here including mine. You original post was quite a shock and therefore it is infuriating to myself and others to read what seems to be just plain bad EMS you were exposed to on that call. Sounds like the crew "screwed the pooch" on that one.

Maybe this helped you learn from their alleged mistakes? Good luck on your advancement into EMS.


Forum Deputy Chief
Non excusable! So he is a kid, who cares? He has completed above the 3'rd grade, right? Then anyone can post and spell correctly.

Unfortunately, this is another example and reconfirmation of why "riders" is a piss poor idea. I am sure if one will discuss things on a forum, then one will discuss to other common laymen the same thing, and this is something I am sure the EMS would not want to be publicized.

If one comes on a forum filled with professional providers and with it discuss opinions and then attempt to provide a scenario, expect such replies.

Want to play with the big dogs? Then one can expect to get bit.

R/r 911

Some one head over to or

These are sites filled with those who take their profession seriously and will act as such. Rid/ryder is right and I rarely agree with him :)

Now, I do welcome the OP to the forum and encourage thought provoking questions and a professional outlook. We do have fun here too.
Turner, what would be an acceptable instance where one might preform an emergency procedure while disregarding C-Spine?
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EMS Guru
One needs to realize the potential effects of posting on any forum and as well the responsibility of being a rider/observer. Obviously, the privacy and issue of patient care of an EMS has been breached. One of the many reasons the later should NOT be allowed.

As even noted here at one time, from a poster of an occurrence that could be somehow associated with an EMS can have formal and legal actions. If one reader could associate this person, then others could as well.

Since the posting was so filled with erroneous sayings, it would be hard to critique except that possibly negligence or poor care could have occurred. Again, someone that only is giving an outside view of an occurrence without the medical knowledge, experience to even describe a legitimate and accurate account.

Personally, I believe we need to be more cautious of the type of posts and much more than protecting a poster. The content should be credible and readable. No matter what the age level is. If they are assumed to be responsible enough for patient care, then they will be and should be be held accountable enough for actions such as slander, libel, etc. again, part of the responsibility of being a "rider" and "poster".



Forum Probie
It looks like you never been on a Volunteer ambulance or have you?

wow!sorry to say but hmmmmmmmmm,i'm thinking it does not matter vollie or paid i think it sounds like he knows what hes talking questions here


Forum Probie
It is important for you to remember that we have people from all sides, volunteer/paid. Older members who see this as a profession and want it to stay that way, therefore don't want "kids" in it. And the "younger" EMT's and Medics who will encourage junior riders, youth corp, or what ever your agency calls them. It took me a while to understand this, but once you do you will understand, and you will learn alot I kno I have.

it doesnt matter paid/volunteer,young/old,kid/adult or male/female this is a job that needs to be done professionally everytime,of course you will have those frequent fliers,but you have to take them seriously to.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Maybe they didn't have a stretcher and it was a shaving cut?

Was it Jesse Ventura?

I can see someone showing up at a hospital using a long board instead of an ambulance litter (stretcher) on a medical case and the ED going apepoopoo wondering why no collar etc., being so conditioned about the board...

Use the protocols!!