

Anyone else use FISDAP currently, or previously while training?

If so, can you briefly describe what kind of statistics you ended with? Did you meet the default goals?


The Truth Provider
I did do it. I met and exceeded most of the goals. I know they are using it for research supposedly. It was hard as it added another task. Each day after I had already completed all reports on paper then still after a long shift had to go enter the exact same data again on the computer, instead of getting to sleep before the next shift. If there was some way to just enter info the one time say with a laptop carried with you would improve the system. But hopefully at some point they will be able to take the info and improve EMS education.


Forum Lieutenant
I found it to be frustrating and annoying because it seemed that very little of the information I entered crossed over into the statistics. I know it was entered correctly. I'm wondering if my instructors set it up incorrectly. Most of the students in my class had problems with it. I met my goals, but it always showed that I hadn't met any of them.


Forum Deputy Chief
It was a nice concept on paper, but it has turned into a logistical nightmare. It is too redundant. Any quality educational institution should already have the same standards on place and should be utilizing the same (or at least similar) QI/QA core measures. Plus there is no variance for individualized factors, just a percentage of "pass" vs. "fail".

I also do not see a benefit coming from their testing. Students need to focus on their certification testing, not additional test questions that may or may not have any bearing on their upcoming NREMT or State test.

Then you factor in the additional cost. What exactly is your $80 going towards? Additional statistics that go into a database for someone else. A database that quite honestly could be generated and maintained for a more economical price. What exactly over the last 10 years can this agency show for its work? By looking at current Paramedic graduates and NREMT test pass rates, nothing. So in my mind, they are not successful in their endeavours and unless they update the EMS community on their CURRENT findings and a proposed plan of change, their program serves no benefit.

It's a good money maker for some educators though, I will give them props on that..........................


I see dead people
We use it at the program I am in. I haven't really paid much attention to the stats, but my instructors love the schedular in it. I think that is the biggest thing that they use it for. In fact, they told us that even though it keeps track of skills for us, that it is the actual paper forms that we fill out that count. It doesn't matter how many IVs you start according to FISDAP, for example, if you do not also record them on the paperwork you are required to hand in.


Forum Lieutenant
I am familiar with FISDAP and I have heard complaints about having to reduntantly input information as described in an earlier response. It does an excellent job keep track of information, but they complain that they have to write it on paper and then input it into the computer too. It seems as though, if they could get it to print out or be locked and submitted somehow, that the users would be happier with it.