First 911 job


Forum Ride Along
Hey all, first post on the form.
Im starting my new job with Mccormick down in Hawthorne later in the month. I have 2 years of IFT EMT experience and I realize that there is a vast difference between IFT and 911. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on things I can brush up on or review before I head out for the new job.


Forum Probie
McCormick is not a bad place. Hawthorne is fun to run in as well. Just make sure you can work together in a team. Most of the fire crews might ignore you a little until they get to know you. Where were you working iFtS? Know your area and how to get to all the hospitals from anywhere in the city. Know the protocols and think ahead on calls. Be available to learn and and youll do fine. Running 911 cars is fun and a great experience.


Forum Asst. Chief
Assessment, history taking, vital signs. That's about 90% of a bls call, transfer or emergency.

Depending on your state, you might have stuff like glucometry, nebs, I gather AEDs are still a maybe in some places.


Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Probie
Besides patient care make sure you know how to drive properly using L/S. Sometimes people just love the idea of using L/S that they forget some of the more fundamental rules while using such an apparatus.


Forum Captain
One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you is never lose your compassion or empathy. 911 is different from IFT in that it is a much more uncontrolled environment and you will be seeing people on their worst day on chaotic scenes much more often than you do with IFT which is relatively controlled. Remember, that no matter the poor life choices the patient has made, they are still human beings and you are able to make a difference in their life. Do not get me wrong ,your EMT and patient assessment skills are extremely important, but your people skills are equally as important. A lot of people become jaded; and as their experience level increases and their clinical skills improve, their people skills decline and burnout starts. Remember, there is much more to this job than meets the eye.

Also, take time for yourself after your shifts; decompress and do what makes you happy. If is tempting to want to be all EMS all the time when you start and life the EMS life 24/7/365. We all were like that when we started and it is good to be eager. However, a lack of balance in life between work and relaxiation leads to mental health issues and burnout. Remember, do not take every overtime shift available when you first start no matter how much fun the job is. That time you take for yourself will greatly extend your career and make you happier and healthier overall which is better for both you and your patients.

Congrats on your new job! I hope you never stop learning and succeed!