Since May of this year, I have managed to loose (and keep off) 16 pounds, so I am averaging about 3 pounds/month. Slow and steady loss, so even though I would love to wake up, step on the scale, and see that huge loss all at once, I do know that it didn't go on overnight so expecting it to come off that way is pretty unrealistic.
My short-term goal is to pass the physical test for dive school by mid-December. There are several parts to the test, most of them in the pool. The swimming isn't what I am concerned about. I can easily do all but the underwater swim at this point, and I am close on it. It is the running part of the test that has me concerned. I am not a runner at all!
Long-term, I would like to be healthier and loose an additional 70-80 pounds. Some days it seems like I will never get there, but most days I realize that if I just continue to do what I am doing, I will get there.