EMS Workouts


Forum Deputy Chief
So, after starting medical school, I kind of quit working out, and I'm starting back up again, taking advantage of my school's free gym. I've decided I still want to swim twice a week for a mile or so, but I need a good routine to train different muscle groups. You get what yo pay for, and unfortunately this qym doesn't give me access to personal trainers to come up with a lifting routine for me, and I don't really like the one my old trainer came up with anymore.

I figured I'd ask the EMS community and see if any of your guys have a lifting schedule and to see what muscle groups you focus on for the job.



Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I don't workout specifically for EMS, or anything for that matter.

I will say that having core strength is important in everything we do. So given that, I try and incorporate some sort of core workout into every gym workout and gym (and swim if I did that). Look around online, there's lots of routines out there and most of them just use you and a mat. I've been using the same one that I got as a freshman in high school running cross country.


Forum Probie
A friend of mine burned a copy of insanity and P90X. I'm mixing it up 5x a week with insanity and 3x a week P90X. And because of busy schedule with School and work I incorporated the nutrosystem diet.


Forum Asst. Chief
As others have said, core strength is key. Lets face it we don;t run anywhere in EMS. Cardio is always good for health but if you want EMS specific training focus on compound weights exercises-

Military Press / Barbell shoulder press
Abdominal exercises
Flat Bench/Dumbell press

If you do these you will literally be hitting every major muscle.

check out Bodybuilding.com

I have found squats are the best for developing good strong legs and lifting technique.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Just a tip from a former neckless lifter. Focus on building lean long muscle not big guns ect. Those big muscles that look so good in a t shirt are no bueno when you hit 30 because they turn to big fat. I'm having to reinvent my whole fitness agenda now that I'm pushing 40.


Forum Probie
i've been doing crossfit now for a little over a month, and I love it. It's intense, fast paced and i'm in and out of the gym in no time. This works great with my hectic work schedule. Plus, the workouts are always different so i'm never bored. check it out at www.crossfit.com


Forum Captain
Those big muscles that look so good in a t shirt are no bueno when you hit 30 because they turn to big fat.

I used to have killer abs...that might explain it quite a bit. :rofl:

Brandon O

Puzzled by facies
Deadlift deadlift deadlift and then deadlift some more.


Forum Deputy Chief
Ive got some stuff our company wellness person put together for me I can send you..if I can find the stuff still.

Im looking hard at starting Crossfit then doing cardio. Like a running plan and riding my bike to work.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Im looking hard at starting Crossfit then doing cardio. Like a running plan and riding my bike to work.
That's nearly identical to my routine. CrossFit is great for the whole body workout routine, and as was said above, has enough variety to keep you from getting bored. On top of that, I'll run 30-40 mpw (which is soon to bump up), and try and get at least two bike rides per week in. I used to bike to work pretty regularly, but since I switched stations, going from NB to the med center is a little too dangerous for that :(


Forum Probie
Ive got some stuff our company wellness person put together for me I can send you..if I can find the stuff still.

Im looking hard at starting Crossfit then doing cardio. Like a running plan and riding my bike to work.

Oh man, I wish I could still do cardio on my off days. Maybe once i'm more used to the program, but for now i'm usually way too sore/tight to do anything but stretch the day after a crossfit workout.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Oh man, I wish I could still do cardio on my off days. Maybe once i'm more used to the program, but for now i'm usually way too sore/tight to do anything but stretch the day after a crossfit workout.

Try adding 1-3miles immediately after your CF wo. Really chill pace, but enough to keep your HR up. I always seem to be less sore when I run right after the wo.


Forum Probie
Stop. Dont waste your time with insanity, P90x, pyramid, etc. Devote the next month of your life to crossfit. It will change your life forever. You will no loger die in the gym on a dreadmill or olyptical, or spend countless hours wasting time with lateral ext, and leg ext. Do it. One month. I promise if you do the WOD *brand x forum WOD* for scalling, start at puppy ,work your way up to big dog. You will never go back. Watch crossfit games, enough said. Body building is uselsess, unless that is your profession. Crossfit is functional fitness. Pick a WOD and 3, 2, 1, go. Stop wasing your time. It works.

Brandon O

Puzzled by facies
I trained in Santa Cruz (CF HQ) and have a long and somewhat sordid history with the program... if there are questions I can probably field them.

There's a lot that it's good for, but it also takes a lot out of you, and if the goal is the minimum needed to safely and effectively function in this field for the long-term, a good deadlift is probably it.


Forum Deputy Chief
That's nearly identical to my routine. CrossFit is great for the whole body workout routine, and as was said above, has enough variety to keep you from getting bored. On top of that, I'll run 30-40 mpw (which is soon to bump up), and try and get at least two bike rides per week in. I used to bike to work pretty regularly, but since I switched stations, going from NB to the med center is a little too dangerous for that :(

My ride to work will only be about 1 mile each way once Im back in San Antonio next week. Im not sure if I want to just ride in uniform or mess with the hassle of carrying it for such a short trip.

Running will take some time to get into but my goal is to drop 60lbs by the end of the year so I can get in the navy or coast guard reserves.

Any suggestion on Cross Fit places to go to?

I realize its overkill for just being able to function in EMS however I want more than that and have some new goals to attain.


Forum Probie
NO IT IS NOT OVERKILL. Crossfit is functional fitness. If you are attacked in a dark alley loading groc. into your car you cannot use bicept concentration curls or tricept roap ext to get away for defeat your attacker. Again crossfit is functional fitness. It works EVERYTHING. It prepares you for everyday life. If you are attacked ( one example ) you would push away (push up), you might take off running (running), then you might have to climb a fence (muscle ups or a pull up / dip), before that jump to fence and land on other side (box jump), if attacker tries to wrestle you down, sprawl and explode up and run away (burpee). Crossfit will change your life. It does not matter if you ride a desk or put out fires, crossfit will make you fast, better, stronger, more flexible, and push you hard.

Cross fit gyms are called boxe's. I dont train in one but have. I would recommend joining one and learing the proper form for deadlifts, snatches, cleans, muscle ups , etc. Plus in a group setting you will be pushed harder than ever before. However for us not looking to drop a bill a month ($100 a month) you can go on crossfit.com and they list the WODs (work out of the day) for free and all kind of videos. Plus brand x scales them for mere mortals like myself.

Brandon O

Puzzled by facies

I'm not old enough to be wise yet, but I'm old enough not to be having this argument anymore.


Community Leader Emeritus
I trained in Santa Cruz (CF HQ) and have a long and somewhat sordid history with the program... if there are questions I can probably field them.

There's a lot that it's good for, but it also takes a lot out of you, and if the goal is the minimum needed to safely and effectively function in this field for the long-term, a good deadlift is probably it.


To the OP, if you are interested in CrossFit there are a few things that are important to know. Gyms are independently owned and operated, so rates, quality of coaches etc will vary from location to location. If there are multiple gyms within a decent driving distance from you check them all out. Most (if not all) let you do one workout free, and most have a drop in rate. Some people hate on CF saying that the coaches care more about times/reps than they do safety. That is NOT a good CF gym.

I do CF, and the two owners/main coaches both have masters degrees in different fitness related fields. They both went college intending to become professional coaches of some sort. They know their crap, and they will be the first to yell at you if you sacrifice form just to lift a little heavier.


Forum Crew Member
I picked up a crossfit membership last November, can't say that I have had the time or energy to go yet, lol... Maybe I'll start when I am back from my vacation!