Do I tell The Boss?


Forum Crew Member
Hello All, I'm a probie at a college level campus EMS organization. About three days ago, I made an error in judgement and told a pretty crass joke in front of the chief of our university's police department (who, in fairness, thought it was hilarious). Immediately after telling the joke, the student public relations rep for my org grabbed my by the arm, and dug her nails into the skin, breaking the skin of my arm. I pulled away with a few scrapes, walked off to collect myself, and after about 5 minutes went back up to the PR rep and sternly told her that she was never to touch me like that again. The next day, she pulls me off duty, and reams me out for about half an hour for disrespecting her, and humiliating the organization. The kicker here is, she specifically tells me NOT to contact the faculty head of the org about the incident, and further states that my job is on the line.

I know that I could have used better judgement in my timing of a stupid joke, but I dont think that the PR rep had the right to grab me, and become physical in delivering a reprimand. My question is, do I stay quiet and let it all go (with an official reprimand on my file from the PR rep in question), or do I let the boss know what the person did?


Community Leader
Well - what do your SOPs / operating rules say?

Was it in front of a patient?

Is the PR rep a line officer position - or is it just a provider with additional responsibilities? If it is a line officer position - they are in a position of supervision, and could perhaps be responsible to take action. If their job is to be an EMT with the service and write articles for the campus newspaper - the only rank they have is being the senior EMT onscene.

Who has the right/responsibility for discipline?

If the faculty member is supposed to be involved - and this is being kept from them - it is probably not a good thing.
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I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
This seems quite dramatic on all fronts. What do you want out of this?

Who is the PR rep? Is it one of those funny official-sounding titles, like the ones I assign to my Student Government students?

Personally, I'd settle any issues with the PR person myself. That's the adult thing to do, no?


Forum Crew Member
The joke was that we should have christened the ambu with a bottle of Andre in honor of all the ETOH we get...

As far as sop goes, she is technically an admin, and has power over me to dole out written reprimands, as well as decide if I should be kept on at the end of my probie period


Forum Crew Member
This seems quite dramatic on all fronts. What do you want out of this?

Who is the PR rep? Is it one of those funny official-sounding titles, like the ones I assign to my Student Government students?

Personally, I'd settle any issues with the PR person myself. That's the adult thing to do, no?

Already attempted - she put an official reprimand in my file immediately afterward. Frankly, she isn't rational, especially while angry.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Again, what do you want out of this?

If it's in your file, then you'll need to go through official channels, whatever that may be. Every time I've had something put in my file, as both an EMT and every other job, I had to sign for it. If I don't agree with something that's put in it, I wouldn't sign.

Only you know your boss, so that's up to you. As an employee I always wanted to not be part of the 10% of employees that took up 90% of the boss' time. If you think that this can be resolved with the boss' help, then go for it.

I'd most likely go to my boss expressing my concern with the handling of the situation and concern regarding a negative incident noted in my file, stating how dedicated I was to being a team player and serving the organization.


Forum Deputy Chief
i have only one thing to offer to this thread.

ems is a very small community. whatever you decide to do will precede you to every job you take in that service area and possibly beyond. while i dont condone inappropriate actions by superiors, i would caution you to think very carefully about how you handle it.

everybody talks to everybody. on the record, off the record, and so far off the record that a conversation never actually happened. if you get labeled as a trouble maker, or a whiner, or any other such label, you're going to have a heck of a time shaking that off.

as far as your specific situation, always handle interpersonal conflicts at the lowest level possible. dont go to the chief unless you have to. start with the other party and have an adult discussion. if that fails, one step up. keep going until you get it sorted out, but never skip a step.


Forum Captain
IMO you told a joke that may have been inappropriate or not. What is clear is her actions were absolutely inappropriate. She grabbed your arm so hard she broke the skin with her nails?! She then put an official reprimand in your file?! Sounds like she is on a power trip and has an anger problem. While I am all for keeping your mouth shut and turning a blind eye on certain occasions, I believe this situation needs to be discussed with your boss. What happens next time you make a smart a$$ comment in front of her, is she going to slap you? Just my 2 cents....


EMS Guru
Both are wrong. Both need to grow up. Both are in positions that require maturity that is obvious that neither have demonstrated that they can function at without problems.

Okay, you made an err. You apologized. Life goes on. Now, did you take pictures and document & have witnesses of such occurrence?

Personally, I would have immediately documented such an occurrence and informed the Director. An assault and battery had occurred. Her position is a BS position. I would had informed her that her job was going to be a little busier, since I would be considering legal and possibly litigation against her personally any more actions against me or discussion(s) need to be very carefully weighed. Yes, your actions was stupid but to personally take physical actions against you over such a careless statement demonstrates this person has some real problems of being in pseudo authority.

Kev was right this is a small community and do not talk to anyone about this occurrence except those directly involved. There is two options available. Leave it alone and let it blow by or take formal action. If you did not take proper documentation, then it will be your word against hers, the possible drama may not be worth the risks.

Hope this was a learning experience.

R/r 911


Working Bum
You should have knocked her teeth out it front of the Chief! ( he might have found that funny)

Does not matter who or what power this person has. A supervisor never has the right to lay a hand on you. The joke was not that bad. You have the right to report her or as said, or have charges filed.

On the other hand. As stated, you will have to deal with the aftermath. If your boss takes her side, then you will likely not want to work there any longer. They can make your life hell.

It is your call. You are the one that has to deal with it. I would personally talk to her on the side. Tell her that you understand that she thought the joke was wrong, but also let her know that she is to never lay a hand on you again. Let her know that if she handles a situation that way again, that you will be forced to report her. Then take it all the way to the college admin., if you have to.


Forum Ride Along
She has already taken action against you twice. Once with the assault, again with the reprimand. With no interaction with your line of supervision, this paper exists without any frame of reference. I think that your supervisor needs to be part of this.

You made your mistake, she made hers.

An apology to the offended party may be in order, to clear the air.

It seems that allowing her to behave in such a childish manner only encourages her to bully others.



Forum Lurker
The joke was that we should have christened the ambu with a bottle of Andre in honor of all the ETOH we get...

Well I find it kinda funny, though don't you think you should have something a little nicer than Andre? :p


Forum Lieutenant
wow yeah...definitely sounds like someone's on a power trip. you talk about christening an ambulance and she grabs you??? WTF? honestly, i dont even see what was so crass about it. maybe its just because i have a better sense of sarcasm than most others....but her actions, as far as i can tell, were totally inappropriate. she had no right putting her hands on you....especially with enough force to break the skin. AT MOST a verbal warning would have been warranted for something like that. i would take pics and get the police involved. you shouldn't have to put up with sups. like that. im sorry....line officers, supervisors....whatever....just because they have a title behind their name doesnt give the authority to touch you.


Community Leader
OK... let me add a little more.

OP - you are wrong. As Rid say - BOTH are wrong.

However, you are a probationary member. Is this your first EMS experience? If it is, then you are there to LEARN. As long as it didn't cause a lot of trouble... the senior members should be helping you LEARN... both patient care and being a good EMS provider.

If they aren't doing that in a way that facilitates learning, perhaps there is something wrong with the department.
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Still crazy but elsewhere
Hell yes!

1. That was a battery, hands-on is a no-no.
2. The first thing a bully does is tell you not to tell anyone else.
3. Cite date, time, place, witnesses in your report to Personnel (not her dept), CC to your union rep (if any). Save a copy of all materials to go to yor state's equiv of Equal Employment Opportunity office or whomever handles workplace violence.LEave out any other consideratikon, just about being grabbed and ordered not to tell anyone else. Use the words "Hostile work environment".

You may or may not have had the reprimand coming, but the hands on and bullying tactics ("keep this quiet") is inappropriate. If you let a bully shut you up, he/she will ride you into the ground, and if not you, then some other target.


Forum Crew Member
I feel that there may be more to this story. That joke does not seem bad to me if told around peers and not the general public. I can't possibly understand why you would be assualted and then repermanded over a joke. I am with mycrofft run this up the "hostial work enviroment" flag pole. If the sup treated you this way they have and will be treating others in the same manner. They have to be stopped and their actions corrected, just as maybe yours needed to be without physical contact.