Do all Paramedics Think they know all???

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Forum Lieutenant
It would do you well to learn about this place before attacking its upstanding members.

And another thing, just because you worship the ground someone walks on, and think they are all that and a bag of chips, doesn't mean we think so. I have been a paramedic long enough to realize that ridryder is nothing special, he is just like jeepmedic, prizenmedik, myself and any other paramedic, just a bunch of flunkies with patches on our arms that say we may or may not know how to save a life. We are not great super heros or gods, just ordinary people with a job to do. So I guess you could call it policing the ranks, we police our own, when you reach our rank, you will be able to join in. Until then, leave it to us, including ridryder, because I'm sure he has earned the right, just like us.


Critical Crazy
And another thing, just because you worship the ground someone walks on... blah blah blah... ridryder is ... just a bunch of flunkies with patches on our arms that say we may or may not know how to save a life.

Experienced medics out there who know their stuff. That isn't the whole reason for respect. You seem to think it should be the only factor. Like you said, there are plenty of folks out there who fit that bill. Even then, why should we believe what you say? Nobody else is whipping out their ****s about who is the better provider. You haven't exactly demonstrated anything except you are friends with someone who is easily fired up and disrespectful. ;)

People here are repsected here because they apply knowledge to defuse theads like this, not start childish personal attacks simply because they disagree.

People are respected here for freely sharing their knowledge and experience instead of attacking others or demanding things be kept dumb.

People are respected here for advocating education and the idea that EMS should be progressed to something more than a vocation.

Such people are positive contributors. Ridryder is a positive contributor, here (and on many other EMS forums) for the reasons above. That is why he is respected. When you have a good amount as well, you might be considered one of the many respected members here too.

Once again, if your buddy had taken time to observe, he would have realized that.

Fedmedic said:
when I see someone belittling another's level of training just because they have more training, then, yes, I am going to tell you about it

we police our own, when you reach our rank, you will be able to join in. Until then, leave it to us

Sorry, did you tell me to stay out of this discussion because I'm not a paramedic? *cough*hypocrite*cough* ;)

...And they're normally very civil, but if you go attacking me or my friends...

You'll find the same here. Personally, I enjoy a good flame war, but of the 12 forums of various subjects on which I post, this is the most civil with the possible exception of the ultralight backpacking forum (which is full of dirty hippy love).

If your buddy accords reasonable respect to others and contributes positive and useful posts, he will be met with the same respect.

If he marches in here sticking his foot in his mouth and attacking people he does not know anything about based on first assumptions, he will make a poor impression and garner little respect in return.

When you ASSUME, you make an *** out of U and ME.

And by the way, I may be new to this forum, but I'm no forum rookie either.

Your buddy received a negative response when his first posts were all negative and used to attack someone who is respected here.

If you are such an internet forum veteran, well then you shouldn't have been at all surprised or appalled by that reaction to your pal, now should you? ;)
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Forum Lieutenant
First of all, I'm not a hypocrite because I never belittled you, by saying anything about you being an EMT. I said paramedics are allowed to police other paramedics, because we all know about the paragod syndrome and can relate to it at one time or another, if you aren't or haven't been a paramedic you can't relate to this, therefore, you have no ability to police us.

Secondly, If you attack my friend and partner, I am going to retaliate, because that is what we do. It is the blackeye theory, if my friend gets a blackeye, then I get one with him, either by the person who gave it to him or by him. It doesn't matter, that's what we do. He's got my 6 and I've got his.

Later, I've got to go eat Thanksgiving supper with Prizenmedik, we were both working yesterday.


Forum Deputy Chief
Wow....a flamewar on EMTLife and I wasn't involved in starting it....hell must have frozen over.

If you all need me, I'll be on the porch as I see several of you are already on the cross.


Forum Captain
And another thing, just because you worship the ground someone walks on, and think they are all that and a bag of chips, doesn't mean we think so. I have been a paramedic long enough to realize that ridryder is nothing special, he is just like jeepmedic, prizenmedik, myself and any other paramedic, just a bunch of flunkies with patches on our arms that say we may or may not know how to save a life.

If you are going to quote someone then you should use the whole quote there Summit.


Forum Captain
Secondly, If you attack my friend and partner, I am going to retaliate, because that is what we do. It is the blackeye theory, if my friend gets a blackeye, then I get one with him, either by the person who gave it to him or by him. It doesn't matter, that's what we do. He's got my 6 and I've got his.

One for all and all for one. :p

Eat some turkey for me.


Critical Crazy
I said paramedics are allowed to police other paramedics

Members of this forum will self-police. In that regard we don't give two farts what your patch reads. As a newbie here, you don't really have much input either. Just because you are a paramedic, that doesn't mean you are beyond reproach from nonmedics if you are acting like an idiot. If you're pal is acting like a jackoff newbie, I will call him on it regardless of his cert ;)

Secondly, If you attack my friend and partner, I am going to retaliate, because that is what we do. It is the blackeye theory, if my friend gets a blackeye, then I get one with him, either by the person who gave it to him or by him. It doesn't matter, that's what we do. He's got my 6 and I've got his.

Gosh, sorry I gave him a blackeye. :(

It just warms my heart to hear you boys are friends to the end. Keep watching his 6 and mindlessly defending his idiotic actions. We are all very impressed by your loyalty.

Of course, there is a simpler solution...
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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
This thread is closed until everyone can learn to respect each other and remember that we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for personal attacks here.
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