Cop arrests firefighter while on-scene!!!!!

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it was a joke chief. calm yoursefl. have an ativan, smoke a butt, whatever. just learn how to interpret humor.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but I can say from experience (and I doubt anyone on here will disagree) it can be very difficult to interpret humor just from text. I can see how your original post could have been read seriously.

Anyone see the irony that the arresting officer is the one getting fined?

I don't get it. Ironic because he was originally trying to fine/arrest someone, but then wound up getting fined himself?
i agree with the fact that most mvc's are legal matters but at what point does the pd
take the liability for the patient if they determine that medical is not needed and the patient is walking around with an internal injury or other not obvious injury. A patient signoff keeps every one safe
i agree with the fact that most mvc's are legal matters but at what point does the pd
take the liability for the patient if they determine that medical is not needed and the patient is walking around with an internal injury or other not obvious injury. A patient signoff keeps every one safe

They don't take on the liability at all. Out where I worked (Los Angeles), the cops would call us immediately if it was a bad TA or if there were external injuries. Otherwise, they would ask the occupants if they desired medical attention and requested us based on that answer. And they always stated something to the effect of "victims declined medical attention" etc on the radio.

And that video is ridiculous. I don't know if there was bad blood between that cop and fire captain or something, but that sort of thing just doesn't happen around here. If it did, the cop would be having a nice long sit-down with his supervisors. But I just can't imagine such a poor working relationship that would lead to such a thing.

I agree with someone else though - if I were the patient, that officer would also be hearing from me if I felt my medical care was in any way compromised by his actions.
Officers who arrest firefighters or medics/emts doing their own job should in fact be arrested and charged.
Honestly, BOTH were in the right.

Technically, the firefighter DID break the law, and there is no 2 ways about that.

But, the cop could have gone about it in a totally different manner.

What would have been better is for the cop to have moved the cruiser, and the truck to have parked where the police cruiser originally was, as it being a bigger and heavier vehicle would have been MUCH better in the closer proximity to the rescue then off to a side.
Hopefully I can get my view out before being bashed, so we'll try.

Keep in mind, I don't know the local laws for them, don't purport to, and honestly am too tired to do a Google search, but in every place that I have lived, it is against the law to disobey a lawful direct order from a Peace Officer. While usually punished by a small thing, the law still exist.

It is the police officers responsibility to maintain traffic on that highway, and maintain it safely, and blocking half the highway inhibits that.

Like I said in my original post, the truck would have been MUCH better at/behind the cruiser, as it leaves 3 lanes open, AND provides MUCH better protection then a tiny Crown Vic.

We've all been on extrication scenes. Honestly, how many of you have ever seen a car go JUST beyond where that cruiser is, do a 90 degree turn, and hit something a foot later? Doesn't happen in my experience. WHat DOES happen is a car plow right into the back of a cruiser and pushes the cruiser in to the rescue personnel.

Anyone who argues that it wouldn't be safer to have the fire truck where the police cruiser is, please explain to me why, as I simply cannot see how.

EDIT; Granted, the officer did tell him to move it forward and not back, but both my points still stand.

And here comes the flamage
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Here in New Zealand, the Fire and Ambulance services take control of the MVA scene.
Apart from asking questions, the police wait for patients to be removed before doing their job.
The ambulances and fire trucks always block the scene!!!!!
The only thing that I saw wrong with that video, was the guy got out of a moving truck...which to me, is a safety issue!!!

Cheers Enjoynz
The whole thing sort of makes me wonder if there is a feud that we don't all know about. Either between the PD and the FD, the officer and the FD, or the officer and the FF.
But either way, that cop must of been having a bad day.
The whole thing sort of makes me wonder if there is a feud that we don't all know about. Either between the PD and the FD, the officer and the FD, or the officer and the FF.
But either way, that cop must of been having a bad day.

Agreed, as even though LEO's and FF's feud, it's just friendly banter and never gets to something like this, so there is something we're missing.
Keep in mind, I don't know the local laws for them, don't purport to, and honestly am too tired to do a Google search, but in every place that I have lived, it is against the law to disobey a lawful direct order from a Peace Officer.

I am not here to "bash" ....but if you don't know the law, your not in a position to say anyone broke it.

It is illegal to interfere with emergency workers who are extricating mva victims. There is a duty to act, to treat the victim and the officer interfered with this to keep an extra lane of traffic open? Officer can wait a few minutes until the patient is extricated before opening the lane.
I am not here to "bash" ....but if you don't know the law, your not in a position to say anyone broke it.

It is illegal to interfere with emergency workers who are extricating mva victims. There is a duty to act, to treat the victim and the officer interfered with this to keep an extra lane of traffic open? Officer can wait a few minutes until the patient is extricated before opening the lane.

2 things back at you;

I stated in my original post "But, the cop could have gone about it in a totally different manner." So please keep that in mind next time.

BUT on the same token... I guarantee the cop arrested him for SOME type of illegal action, because if he didn't, the he wouldn't have a job right now. Again, keep that in mind. Even though I don't know the specific law used, I know for a fact one was.

Not all cops are jerks, and a vast majority don't make up laws to arrest someone. They don't want to lose their job because of a feud between FF and LEOs, so a law WAS being enforced. They won the settlement for a different reason, not because the cop did a false arrest.
Everywhere I have worked 1. has clear protocols that state the the fire deparment/ems agency have command of the scene at all times and 2. proper vehicle staging is exactly what the capt. did-one lane blocked beyond crash to keep everyone safe. Being stuck in traffic sucks, no doubt about that. Letting the providers do their job safely will actualy speed up the process in most cases and get traffic moving again soon.
This is why I don't like posting in these topics, I play devils advocate and use facts, yet I'm wrong. :ph34r:
Do you mean about him being arrested? What was the charge?
2 BUT on the same token... I guarantee the cop arrested him for SOME type of illegal action, because if he didn't, the he wouldn't have a job right now. .

Disorderly conduct could mean anything. Parking a fire truck at the scene of an mva in a manner the cop doesn't like is I am sure the exact action lawmakers must have been trying to stop.

And i do the believe the cop shouldn't have a job for this.

Playing devil's advocate does mean you take the opposite side. The "cop would not arrest someone unless they did something illegal" argument is not a strong argument.
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I am not here to "bash" ....but if you don't know the law, your not in a position to say anyone broke it.

It is illegal to interfere with emergency workers who are extricating mva victims. There is a duty to act, to treat the victim and the officer interfered with this to keep an extra lane of traffic open? Officer can wait a few minutes until the patient is extricated before opening the lane.

and there is the golden ticket. While in most cases it is illegal to ignore a order from a "peace" (please...) officer, it is also illegal to interfere with emergency workers.

The "peace" officer here should have been arrested for interfering with patient care at the scene of an emergency, and I agree with firecoins. Police officers should be charged if they interfere with our lawful duties. I also believe it should have the consequence of mandatory jail time.
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And that's why I usually stay out of these types of topics... EVERY person is set in their ways and won't look at any other facts then those that support their own, myself included.

I guess you guys missed the part where I said "Officer should have gone about it in a totally different way".
Some states have FD in command of MVA scenes and some have EMS in charge, if there is injuries. I personally do not know many that have PD in charge of the rescue scene.

In the last two states that I have lived in, that officer would have lost his job and a lot more!
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