Conflict of interest/ non competition?


Forum Lieutenant
I work for a large legit ift company in la county but I would like to get a part time 911 company gig outside of la county. I was considering applying at Amr Ventura , riverside, San bernardino, kern ambulance, liberty ambulance, and halls. My question is do any of them prohibit you from working at another company in another county? My current company has made it apparent they don't mind. Any suggestions? Any and all advice is welcome. I don't want to commute full time to another county but want 911 experience and don't want to work for some bs pop warner football standby company as I've done that already lol. Help me out!


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
This is common and acceptable in EMS. It's not like you have any trade secrets. Good luck with the second job!
In addition to the companies you mentioned, there's also Desert Ambulance in Barstow, Baker EMS in Baker/Needles, and Morongo Basin Ambulance. These are all in San Bernardino County.


Community Leader
My experience has been that as long as you're not working for a direct competitor in the same County, most companies are perfectly OK with you working for another ambulance company as long as it doesn't impact their work schedule for you. In other words, from an operational standpoint, it should appear as if you only work for them.

My current gig is non-medical. They don't mind me working elsewhere as long as I'm at work on time, as scheduled, and I work the shifts as scheduled. In fact, I'm going to school during my "off" time and as long as I'm at work on time, as scheduled, they're OK with it. In another few months, I'll have to take some time off for school, but that shouldn't be too long (hopefully less than a month) and I'll be back at work without too much trouble.

Once I'm done with school, I may actually return to having a 2nd job...


Forum Captain
Hall makes it quite clear they are to be your only EMS job. They want you to eat, sleep and bleed Hall. The others don't mind. Most non Hall EMS people up here have at least two jobs. I have two. Many people even work for multiple companies in the same county.


Forum Deputy Chief
Bowers has a policy against it. But they only whip it out if you go from Bowers management to another companies' management and start plucking their contracts. And only for people named Paul.

It is currently in court.


Forum Deputy Chief
I work for a large legit ift company in la county but I would like to get a part time 911 company gig outside of la county. I was considering applying at Amr Ventura , riverside, San bernardino, kern ambulance, liberty ambulance, and halls. My question is do any of them prohibit you from working at another company in another county? My current company has made it apparent they don't mind. Any suggestions? Any and all advice is welcome. I don't want to commute full time to another county but want 911 experience and don't want to work for some bs pop warner football standby company as I've done that already lol. Help me out!

California is actually a great state to work in if you'd like to be able to work places without fear of non-competes, as most are not considered valid. You can thank engineers for that.