Charlotte NC EMS


Forum Ride Along

Recently certified EMT. Looking for all the Charlotte area EMT and Paramedics to weigh in on the agencies around here.

Have currently applied at Medic and Union EMS.

Looking for any and all information you could provide



Forum Ride Along
Tbh, avoid MEDIC at all costs right now. They're going through a bit of a crisis right now. They released a schedule that doesn't provide adequate coverage. All staff has to do a minimum of 10hrs of OT per pay period, which may be your thing, or it may not be.

System status model; you go to the main station, get your truck, and get deployed to wherever coverage is needed. There are posts at most of the fire stations, but good luck seeing one. Between calls and post moves, you'll be lucky if you stop for more than 15 minutes in a shift.

Your pay raise will be dependent on how fast you turn a call, how many commendations you receive from patients and coworkers. They claim you will be get a performance bonus quarterly, but that is dependent on the same parameters, plus patient satisfaction must be rated at least 65% or higher as excellent to receive the top pay out.

You are no more than a number to management there. Literally every parameter they use is based on metrics and statistical data. On paper this looks great. The county loves it. The employees on the other hand?

Well, I heard 8+ left in the past 2 weeks.

They're in the process of finding a new director because the current one is retiring. Give them a year or two. It can't get much worse, so hopefully it'll be better.

In the meantime, Piedmont in Rock Hill has a sign on bonus and stations.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
I am not from the Charlotte area, but SSM was a deal-breaker for me. Plenty of places in NC don't do that. I've heard similar stories (as mentioned above) about MEDIC, where you are treated like a number; don't like something? don't care, by the time you hit the door, there are 10 people waiting to take your spot, so they don't care about even pretending to want to retain you.

There are plenty of EMS agencies in NC (and quite a few threads about them on this site, just do a search), each with pros and cons of working there.


Forum Ride Along
You are 100% correct DrParasite. You will be given the illusion of having input, but at they end of the day, management does what they want.

Granted, there was a time 10 people were waiting for your spot. Rumor is the last assessment center had 2 candidates, both EMT. I don't know the last time a Paramedic was hired...