Can't find a job


Forum Asst. Chief
I can't find a job with any of the privates around here. Fire isn't an option. I really want to go to medic school but I need my patient care time and you have to be sponsored into the program by your agency as well. So it was my goal to get hired right away but the only company here hiring I haven't heard back from. So what would you do in the mean time? My options are 1. Go to school (pre-reqs for nursing) and volly when ever I get the chance or 2. Try to get work in a local ED until I can get on with a private (which also doesn't seem hopeful as everyone wants like 3 freaking years experience to hire) -_- And do your pt care hours in the field as a volunteer count towards your required time? I just keep looking at this year of time I need as this huge roadblock and not being able to get a job is making the wait to medic even longer. :sad:


Forum Chief
Find another medic program where you don't need to be "sponsored" in, and work on medic school. That makes you attractive to potential employers. Keep applying, be creative. Apply at clinics, doctors offices, theme parks, urgent cares, industrial settings etc. EMTs don't just work on an ambulance anymore.

Be persistent. Don't get too bummed, it can take awhile to find a job but you'll find one eventually. Also be persistent with employers, call and ask about your application status/interview status. And look outward. Don't stay local but look within a couple hours of you. It may suck driving to and from work but it's a step in the door.

And network once you're in the door. MEET people and make good impressions on them.
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Forum Asst. Chief
Find another medic program where you don't need to be "sponsored" in, and work on medic school. That makes you attractive to potential employers. Keep applying, be creative. Apply at clinics, doctors offices, theme parks, urgent cares, industrial settings etc. EMTs don't just work on an ambulance anymore.

Be persistent. Don't get too bummed, it can take awhile to find a job but you'll find one eventually. Also be persistent with employers, call and ask about your application status/interview status. And look outward. Don't stay local but look within a couple hours of you. It may suck driving to and from work but it's a step in the door.

And network once you're in the door. MEET people and make good impressions on them.

It's the only medic program in the area. The other one I dont even qualify for. :sad: I put apps in for all the companies within 2 hours driving distance. Bleck. I did call back with one company and the hr person was quite short with me so I'm hesitant to call back. It was a "When I get to your application if there is a chance for an interview you'll hear from me." :glare:
I didn't think about those other places EMT's could work. Thanks Sasha, going to check that out right now. I appreciate it.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Bunkie: Unfortunately, you're in the worst place in the world to try and work in EMS if you're not affiliated with fire. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Drop me a PM with all of your contact info and I'll try to work some voodoo at the private I mentioned when we talked last.


Forum Probie
honestly when you are trying to find a job out of fire right now, you need to know people to get in quick other than that you are gonna have to go in there like snail.


hey Washington state medics, you think its bad up there? You should check out down here! (Portland/Vancouver) Ive been a medic for 18 months and haven't been able to land a job ever. My unemployments running out so I might be a paraburgerflipper soon unless I relocate. Ive only had 2 interviews in this area in over a year, each with many more experienced qualified candidates who snag the slots. We are on paramedic lay off and hiring freeze here.


Forum Asst. Chief
Bunkie: Unfortunately, you're in the worst place in the world to try and work in EMS if you're not affiliated with fire. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Drop me a PM with all of your contact info and I'll try to work some voodoo at the private I mentioned when we talked last.

This reminded me I needed to PM you. :p