blood glucose levels...


Guess who's back...
I never got this. If a patient is eating and trying "food and juice" why the helll was EMS even called? An AOx4 patient does not call 911 and say "Hey, I am perfectly fine right now but I feel like I should eat some food to keep my blood sugar up, can you send the ambulance so they can respond and watch me eat and decide not to intervene with their equipment, and than after I eat they can leave"

Makes not a drop of sense to me. Not a single drop.

Now, if they are altered, than someone is going to call 911. Food wont be an option.

I've seen a diabetic with AMS crash a car into a pool, waddle inside his house, start eating, and then sign off. The medic got released by medical command and everything.


EMS Guru
I routinely see someone with altered LOC (not unconscious but confused) that the family is either confused on what to do or basically is aware that something is wrong but still does not know what to do (new onset of hypoglycemia). After obtaining FSBS then I will be able to get the patient to have some oral glucose enough to raise mentation level. After it has been absorbed, give high protein with glucose to sustain the sugar.

If they are know diabetic with instructions of to repeat FSBS in one hour and then every other hour and to contact PCP for f/u. No reason to transport those with a hx. of Diabetes and history of sliding glucose level, but the do need to evaluated.

The problem is many attempt to feed and leave patient alone. Sometimes patient glucose will plummet even after rapid glucose administration, hence the reason for protein not just carbohydrates. As well, although the patient has the right to refuse if given the proper information and understanding of the consequences and risks.

R/r 911


Forum Captain
It varies.. usually or hopefully protocols are based not just on numbers but the patients symptoms. I have seen variances from 50 mg/dl to 90 mg/dl.

Remember, we treat the patient not the numbers.

R/r 911

100% agree. I have nothing else to say :p