Aspiring Photographer Needs Help

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Forum Captain
Hello All,

First I am sure you're thinking is what does the title have to do with EMS. So allow me to elaborate on this. I have been an EMT-B in New York for 2 years now, and have had absolutely no luck gaining employment other than a butt load of Volunteer Experience. While I wait on this FDNY process to carry out it's course I am finding it harder to stay up on my feet and pay bills. I came up with a small solution that will help me stand on my own two feet until I turn 21 and finding a job in EMS is easier. That idea is starting my own business in photography. EMS has always been a passion for me just like photography. The issue I face is that I can't afford the minimal equipment to start a business.

I am posting this here because there may be a few like minded individuals who can understand my struggle and may be able to help. The link for my campaign is:

With just a simple share or small donation can help me go a long way. Thank you

Thank You,
Sebastian Vazquez

Message to Forum Admins: I hope that this isn't against the terms and conditions. If it is please feel free to remove my thread at your own discretion. Thank you


Forum Lieutenant
Ummm, you don’t have to start your business with top of the line equipment. It sounds like you already have the basics: a smart phone and a $100 camera. Start with that, get some exposure (a pun, ha!), and build. As you get a few clients or customers, upgrade your equipment. A lot of the skill shown by a photograph is that they can use any equipment for their art. Look at rule #1 at (Actually a lot of those rules would help you). Good luck!


Critical Crazy
He's not asking for top of the line equipment.

He is asking for the crappiest SLR equipment that Canon sells, but it is the NEWEST crap that they sell and he wants it retail.

He has no idea what he needs equipment wise and his completely unimpressive photos prove it.

If he had half a brain, he'd get twice as good of equipment for much less money buying used, like any self-respecting struggling photographer. But since he demonstrates neither aptitude for photography nor knowledge nor even an inkling of a business plan, this is simply a stranger begging for money to buy him toys. I recommend the CLs close this thread.

He wouldn't dare post this bullcrap on a photography forum. He'd be laughed out of town. Why does he think we are such easy marks?


Forum Asst. Chief
I should start a go fund me page. I need some new camping supplies. I also want you guys to finance it.

Thanks in advance.


Critical Crazy
Hey I'm an aspiring astrophotographer. Would someone buy me $4000 of telescopes and mounts? I have cameras and I have been passionate about the stars. I can find Polaris AND Arcturus! Give me money!


Forum Chief
OP, first, see if there's even a market for photographers in your area. And then use what you have to build a portfolio. Get some work, paid work, by word of mouth. Get some references. Then see if you want to do it as a job. Then see abotu buying new gear.
And you don't need the newest gear. Just pick up a used Rebel or something like an older D70 or D50 from Nikon. Spend your money on good glass. It'll serve you better


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Here is what I don't understand about this sort of thing; what do I get out of contributing? I donate to charities because they are able to help people in ways that I cannot. The emphasis on people is important. I don't have a lot of disposable income, but I giving it to a group who makes it their business to help others, I'm at least getting some bang for my buck.

Or I could give someone money so they can go buy somethings that they apparently don't wish to work for.


Forum Captain
Here is what I don't understand about this sort of thing; what do I get out of contributing? I donate to charities because they are able to help people in ways that I cannot. The emphasis on people is important. I don't have a lot of disposable income, but I giving it to a group who makes it their business to help others, I'm at least getting some bang for my buck.

Or I could give someone money so they can go buy somethings that they apparently don't wish to work for.

If possible feel free to close this thread. One thing I was trying to avoid were some remarks stated above.


Forum Chief
If possible feel free to close this thread. One thing I was trying to avoid were some remarks stated above.
Why? It's a valid opinion. There are other ways that are much easier to support yourself until you may get into FDNY. Photography is not a quick and easy way to make money. Trust me on that.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
If possible feel free to close this thread. One thing I was trying to avoid were some remarks stated above.
Instead of running away, maybe explain why you are worthy of your fellow EMS provider's hard earned money?


Forum Captain
Ummm, you don’t have to start your business with top of the line equipment. It sounds like you already have the basics: a smart phone and a $100 camera. Start with that, get some exposure (a pun, ha!), and build. As you get a few clients or customers, upgrade your equipment. A lot of the skill shown by a photograph is that they can use any equipment for their art. Look at rule #1 at (Actually a lot of those rules would help you). Good luck!

Thanks for the pointer. Greatly appreciated. Probably the only person here who didn't shove my struggle in my face. As I am sure they can all read is the job market in New York sucks. With minimal experience anywhere it is difficult to get a job, does not mean I have not been trying and am waiting on the money to start anything
He's not asking for top of the line equipment.

He is asking for the crappiest SLR equipment that Canon sells, but it is the NEWEST crap that they sell and he wants it retail.

He has no idea what he needs equipment wise and his completely unimpressive photos prove it.

If he had half a brain, he'd get twice as good of equipment for much less money buying used, like any self-respecting struggling photographer. But since he demonstrates neither aptitude for photography nor knowledge nor even an inkling of a business plan, this is simply a stranger begging for money to buy him toys. I recommend the CLs close this thread.

He wouldn't dare post this bullcrap on a photography forum. He'd be laughed out of town. Why does he think we are such easy marks?

See the thing I find funny is you just looked at this and immediately went into an attack mode. If you want ti
Why? It's a valid opinion. There are other ways that are much easier to support yourself until you may get into FDNY. Photography is not a quick and easy way to make money. Trust me on that.

Nothing is easy in life. Not even getting a job where the main reason I won't be hired is on account of my age alone. Not just in EMS but everywhere. Tried local restaurants, all retail positions imaginable, etc. For people to just immediately go on the attack to say hey, this guy is just begging for money for new toys is kind of insulting. I'm not the kind of guy who just randomly goes out and begs for money. I'm just some random person stuck in the middle of this crappy economy we live in.

If the CLs would close the thread id appreciate it.


Forum Chief
OP, first, see if there's even a market for photographers in your area. And then use what you have to build a portfolio. Get some work, paid work, by word of mouth. Get some references. Then see if you want to do it as a job. Then see abotu buying new gear.
And you don't need the newest gear. Just pick up a used Rebel or something like an older D70 or D50 from Nikon. Spend your money on good glass. It'll serve you better
Just to show you another post, mine, that is legit trying to be helpful. I have been working to build a customer network for 3 years and still can't support myself through my photography alone.


Forum Captain
Just to show you another post, mine, that is legit trying to be helpful. I have been working to build a customer network for 3 years and still can't support myself through my photography alone.

See this is what I like. People who give pointers. Some stated above that I'm just some amateur looking for equipment. Honestly they're right. Yet rather than laughing in my face at someone who is clearly struggling. You are actually giving advice on the topic. Turning me in a different direction to start which is greatly appreciated. Im just going to ignore this thread from here on out because obviously this is going nowhere other than you and planetmike giving advice on how I can get a start with what I have. Its greatly appreciated.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
We do not close threads for reasons like this.

I am not laughing in your face. But if I am going to give someone money, I want to know where it's going and how it will make a difference. I don't think that's unfair.


Forum Captain
We do not close threads for reasons like this.

I am not laughing in your face. But if I am going to give someone money, I want to know where it's going and how it will make a difference. I don't think that's unfair.

It is not unfair. The money will go towards the equipment that is in the link which is the DSLR Camera, spare lens, camcorder, sd cards are on a as needed basis. I will then use that equipment to work with a company that plans multiple weekly events in manhattan which will be used to build a portfolio to help build my own customer network for special occasions such as weddings, sweet 16s, etc. With the advice given to me by two people in this thread I will now be looking in to the other equipment that was stated above and see if it is within the budget that I have set aside for myself with the little money so have left from my savings.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I'm a aspiring off roader. I need about a 100k to build me a badass jeep. I'm starting a gofundme account, please give me free money.

In all seriousness. Get a day job, save money, and buy the equipment. Ever think of buying used cameras? Or more of the mid level cameras?


Forum Captain
I'm a aspiring off roader. I need about a 100k to build me a badass jeep. I'm starting a gofundme account, please give me free money.

In all seriousness. Get a day job, save money, and buy the equipment. Ever think of buying used cameras? Or more of the mid level cameras?

I'm done watching this post. Some of you guys are seriously ridiculous and not reading half of the responses I have typed. So I'm going to say it one more time.

In my area you need experience to get a job, but you can't get experience without a job. Unfortunately the job market is at the point where nobody is willing to hire someone who has minimal to no experience because they just don't want to train someone. The money raised yes would be used to purchase the equipment. I get it. Intentions I had for this was to offer a free service to my backers if they lived in the local area (Westchester County New York and some parts of the five boroughs.)
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