Ambulance attendants accused of molesting patients


Forum Chief
For those of you who get a little emotional at the thought of treating a rapist or child molester.........

Ambulance attendants accused of molesting patients

DALLAS (AP) — They answer the call 24-7, often risking their own safety to rescue the sick and injured and rush them to the hospital. But some paramedics have been more predator than hero.

Over the past 18 months, at least 129 ambulance attendants across the U.S. have been accused of sex-related crimes on duty or off, an investigation by The Associated Press found. Some of them molested patients in the back of an ambulance.

"It's a dream job for a sexual predator," said Greg Kafoury, a Portland, Ore., lawyer who represents three women who were groped by a paramedic. "Everything is there: Women who are incapacitated, so they're hugely distracted. Medical cover to put your hands in places where, in any other context, a predator would be immediately recognized as such."

Across the U.S., emergency medical technicians have been accused in recent months of such crimes as rape, soliciting minors over the Internet and possession of child porn, according to an AP survey of the state agencies that oversee those professions.

New York has most EMT sex-abuse cases in the nation

By RICHARD RICHTMYER | Associated Press Writer December 11, 2008,0,1905285.story


Forum Crew Member
That is sick and scary.

The thought of someone preying on their patient like that is just disgusting and those people give us a bad name. Anyone who preys on a pt deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Forum Ride Along
Key word

Yes, that is terrible. I'm sure that kind of stuff happens. But, you have to remember the key word: "accused." Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that make false accusations. It happens...


Forum Crew Member
I hate these stories. But we all know these people are out there. This is one reason why I think EMS candidates and applicants should be rigorously psych tested prior to hire. Putting a predator with incapacitated patients is like leaving the fox to watch the henhouse.


Forum Ride Along
That's good that the guilty have been convicted and justice has been served. Aside from that, false accusations of wrongdoing - whether related to molestation or otherwise - are rampant.


Forum Ride Along
The article states: "Former Dallas Fire Chief Steve Abraira suggested ambulances carry three workers. Ambulances usually have two — one in the front, one in the back." I agree with the Chief.

Plus, we wouldn't have to wait around for lift assists as much. ;)

Now...about that n00b...does he get the back seat? :p


Forum Chief
Actually, many of those have already been convicted.

Actually, a lot of innocent people get convicted of crimes they did not commit everyday.


Forum Chief
Actually, a lot of innocent people get convicted of crimes they did not commit everyday.

Quote from "Treating a rapist" thread
I treat him or her like any other mentally ill patient.

So here is an example of the double standard that I have referenced to in a couple of threads. If it is one of your own you are willing to look the other way or give them the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, whether it is with spousal abuse, inappropriate sexual action and/or remarks or substance abuse, some may turn a blind eye and blame it on the job or an unwillingness to rat on someone. Thus, these predators and people who do need help thrive in the profession where "we take care of our own".


Forum Deputy Chief
Well its hard to say without knowing the whole story. But when doing certain procedures you have to let modesty go by the waist-side so you can do your job. I am not talking about just touch wherever. But take a traction splint for instance, you have to get the ischial strap right beside, the ishium(sp?) which involves putting your hand in between some legs, but it doesn't stay there. I worry about offending people when doing procedures, though I have done any alone yet. Guess that is why it is so important to explain what/why you are doing something.


Forum Chief
Quote from "Treating a rapist" thread

So here is an example of the double standard that I have referenced to in a couple of threads. If it is one of your own you are willing to look the other way or give them the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, whether it is with spousal abuse, inappropriate sexual action and/or remarks or substance abuse, some may turn a blind eye and blame it on the job or an unwillingness to rat on someone. Thus, these predators and people who do need help thrive in the profession where "we take care of our own".

No. It has nothing to do with "taking care of our own". If they are guilty, then by all means convict them, but I know from personal experience that innocent people are put in jail every single day. I don't judge anyone based on what I read or watch anymore, unless there is undeniable proof staring you in the face, a confession, video tape, positive DNA evidence, because it's often one sided.


Forum Chief
I also blame a good part of the "EMT, Paramedic, Doctor, etc. touched me inappropriately or molested me" complaint on lack of education on the patient's side as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate during a medical exam. I've run into people who look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I have to lift their breast to place a 12 lead.


Forum Chief
I could also mention the author of one of the most loved books in EMS and how he lost his license as a physician in Florida. But, his book is still very good and many continue to support him in a very nice life style since his release from prison.

We recently had a troll on another forum, who may or may not have been a Fire Medic, discuss in detail why he liked to do 12-leads. It is unfortunate that there are some EMT(P)s who do inappropriately discuss certain aspects of a patient in earshot of others.

That lack of education can go both ways. Do the 8 -16 hours of clinicals with minimum patient contact actually prepare you to professionally disrobe a patient?
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Forum Crew Member
I also blame a good part of the "EMT, Paramedic, Doctor, etc. touched me inappropriately or molested me" complaint on lack of education on the patient's side as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate during a medical exam. I've run into people who look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I have to lift their breast to place a 12 lead.

I agree-

Patients will never understand why we do everything we do, and this is why it's necessary to explain any procedures that may at all be misintepreted as inappropriate.


Forum Lieutenant
Okay so they have all these stats on what Ambulance crews do, do they have other professions statistics to compare the numbers to? It could be the same percentage by police or firefighters, or doctors and surgeons.

But if they are guilty they should of course be prosecuted to the furthest length of the law. I just feel the story is incomplete because it talks only of Ambulance crews and has no supporting data to conclude these numbers are significantly higher and any other similar profession.

There are sick people out there and it is very unfortunate but this article is poorly researched because it shows no supporting data that Ambulance crews are any worse statistically that any other profession, they don't even attempt to show the proper reporting skills to have a true "expose" of ambulance crews which I think they intended this to be.
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I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
129 paramedics accused of sex crimes

DALLAS — They answer the call 24-7, often risking their own safety to rescue the sick and injured and rush them to the hospital. But some paramedics have been more predator than hero.

Over the past 18 months, at least 129 ambulance attendants across the U.S. have been accused of sex-related crimes on duty or off, an investigation by The Associated Press found. Some of them molested patients in the back of an ambulance.

Read more!


Forum Crew Member
I also blame a good part of the "EMT, Paramedic, Doctor, etc. touched me inappropriately or molested me" complaint on lack of education on the patient's side as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate during a medical exam. I've run into people who look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I have to lift their breast to place a 12 lead.

I agree. There are patients I have run into myself, regardless of how much you try to protect yourself and others in this situation, and you do everything as properly you can, the patients see you more as a threat than a help and get carried away. Education of the patient would be a good start, but as a patient when you arent feeling well or are scared, their perceptions will automatically be altered and we have to learn to roll with it. That is why it is so important to try to not be alone, or at the very least DOCUMENT the call very well. Patients can say whatever they like, but proof has to exist. Its disgusting to think that there are individuals, paramedics and patients alike, who take advantage of the situation. Innocent people lose careers, lives and other things as a result of false accusations. Everything needs to be taken into context. In my class, they really stress the protocols of the standard of duty, and go over heavily negiligence, battery, assault and the like so you know how to protect yourself and your patient, assuming you are of good concience. Every profession, including nursing, nursing homes, doctors, lawyers, etc, will encounter such problems. Any high profile job is open to this kind of stuff. My idea is keep your side of the street clean, and you should be okay.