7 hours and nothing


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So im 7 hours into a 13 shift with not a call what do you do on these types of nights?
So im 7 hours into a 13 shift with not a call what do you do on these types of nights?

Angry Birds, Sleep, talk to partner, eat..... and im sure plenty of others things too.
Thank the EMS Gods, hope that I don't catch a late call, and sleep.
Try taking your boots off, begin preparing a meal and then announce loudly "wow it's a quite night!"
I've been doing that for 4 and half hours oh well looks like it back to playing tetrison my phone unless one of the new paramedics brings a xbox.
Try taking your boots off, begin preparing a meal and then announce loudly "wow it's a quite night!"

Oddly enough I tried that once. For everyone else it seems to work but in that 24 hr shift we only had the tones drop once and it was a transport. They call me the "white cloud" because nothing seems to happen when I'm on shift. Go figure. :rolleyes:
i try to not post stuff like this so i dont jinx myself
Try taking your boots off, begin preparing a meal and then announce loudly "wow it's a quite night!"

Or, its say its been "slow" "boring" ir some other adjective to make sure that the EMS gods know. Also consider eating at a sit down restaraunt so that you have ample time waiting for it.
Drop the "Q" word? When I first got certified I used to have that "problem" too, Trauma_Junke....I spent 4 months of being on call every Saturday 6pm to 6am and I got like 6 calls. It was nice for the denizens of my area, I'm sure, but I sure didn't learn much! And then the weekend before finals, got 4 calls in one night. That's how I knew the EMS gods were watching.
So im 7 hours into a 13 shift with not a call what do you do on these types of nights?

Prepare myself mentally for the inevitable 2+ hour hold over.

Sent from my out of area communications device.
Kick myself for drinking lots of coffee to prepare for a busy night.
Drop the "Q" word? When I first got certified I used to have that "problem" too, Trauma_Junke....I spent 4 months of being on call every Saturday 6pm to 6am and I got like 6 calls. It was nice for the denizens of my area, I'm sure, but I sure didn't learn much! And then the weekend before finals, got 4 calls in one night. That's how I knew the EMS gods were watching.

Don't get my hopes up. lol! Down time is good time to study but at the same time I wouldn't mind getting some decent calls. I don't want bad things to happen, I just want to be there when they do. I know that one day my luck will run out, and I think my co-workers just don't want to acknowledge that fact but they are aware of it...so I'm just "enjoying" it while I can I guess. :mellow:
I try to figure out what kinds of pranks I can play my partner. Back when I used to work for a private service that was self-dispatched, I used to call the 911 line when my partner was sleeping. The 911 line was attached to a set of bells from an old rotary phone, so whenever it rang, it would scare the :censored::censored::censored::censored: out of you.
Don't get my hopes up. lol! Down time is good time to study but at the same time I wouldn't mind getting some decent calls. I don't want bad things to happen, I just want to be there when they do. I know that one day my luck will run out, and I think my co-workers just don't want to acknowledge that fact but they are aware of it...so I'm just "enjoying" it while I can I guess. :mellow:

I always feel weird when I mention wishing to go on interesting calls and have to follow it up with the same disclaimer of "of course I'm not wishing an emergency on anyone". Thing is, during my 4 months of being the "guardian angel" my agency did get plenty of intense calls, from car vs. pedestrian to intentional opioid overdose to motorcycle accident and even an emergency childbirth. And a couple cardiac arrests (I'm in a rural area without a huge call volume so we don't see them that often). Just NEVER WHEN I WAS ON DUTY.
get supper comfortable and start polishing your boots. Those are grounds for a nice car accident (10-48 here)
The one shift I worked on the ICU vehicle was soooooooooooooooooooo boring!

We did 2 calls the entire 12 hours.

I cleaned the Paramedic's room, I cleaned the ambulance I worked on TWICE, I took 125 photos... man I was sooooooooo bored! haha.
slow quiet shifts

You guys don't know how good you have it.

I have had 60 patients in the last 41 MONTHS (that is right: MONTHS0.