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  1. Stew

    EMS Today 2011; Anyone going?

    Jon there's a decent group of medics from my service heading over. Stopping off on the West Coast for a few days first to catch up with mates. Really looking forward to the conference.
  2. Stew

    EMS Today 2011; Anyone going?

    I'll be there. Heading over on the 25th and will arrive in Baltimore on the 28th. Looking forward to the trip enormously!
  3. Stew

    Rank the EMS systems of the world

    I'm just about to head over to the USA for 3 months holiday, during which I'm heading to a few community colleges and have scored quite a bit of ride time in different services. I'm very interested to see how the US systems compare with our own here. Will keep you guys posted!
  4. Stew

    Another American to Australia?

    In my brief scan I think people are confusing the "cert IV" aspect. It is read as Cert 4 (certificate 4, below a Diploma-or in American speak an associates) not cert intravenous. All good?! What has been said is pretty much the go in Australia, internal nationally recognised training...
  5. Stew

    Queensland Ambulance Service - Evidence of Qualification

    Surprising as it may be, we have them in our degrees as well! :o:blink: To the OP; slog through it, the outcome will be worth it in the end!
  6. Stew

    College Football!

    I'm not from the US, but my friend is a Stanford Doc so it's got to be Stanford or Uconn (her undergrad school)..
  7. Stew

    First Day...what do I do/bring?

    With some pride!
  8. Stew

    Do you get breaks?

    We get either one or two 30 minute meal breaks depending on the shift. A 10hr shift gets one meal break, a 12hr gets two. Our meal can be 'broken' for code 1 (life threatening) and 2A (non life threatening but urgent) cases. If our meal is broken we are automatically paid an allowance of approx...
  9. Stew

    Ambulances destoryed in arson

    Glad somebody found my typo!
  10. Stew

    Ambulances destoryed in arson

    Little bit of an update.
  11. Stew

    Ambulances destoryed in arson It wasn't my station but same service, a lot of pissed off paramedics right now.
  12. Stew

    Canadian to Australia

    Brown! B) QAS has been pretty sweet to work for. Dr Rashford (Steve) was appointed prior to when I started working for them so the changes he's implemented have been the norm for me. Introduction and filtering down of pharmacological interventions and skills from intensive care to advanced...
  13. Stew

    Canadian to Australia

    Hi Superman, I work for QAS (Queensland Ambulance Service-I imagine your QSD is meant to read QAS) in Brisbane but spent my last high school and forst university years living in Townsville. To quickly answer a couple of questions; Ambulances are generally crewed by an advanced care...
  14. Stew

    Australian Paramedics

    Born and mostly bred in Victoria, don't start hating your own kind (bloody students :P ).
  15. Stew

    Australian Paramedics

    Loving it! No clouds, sun shining, no jackets, awesome!
  16. Stew

    Australian Paramedics

    Where are you from Ambo?
  17. Stew

    EMT/PARAMEDIC work in OZ/Canada..?

    This is the website for our service. We regularly recruit from outside of Australia for qualified paramedics (have a large number of people from the UK). All the info should be there with relevant contact numbers. The following are Government...
  18. Stew

    Administering nitroglycerin for cardiac patient

    Puppy, you're missing one contraindication... (on my skim through I don't think it's been mentioned anywhere else).
  19. Stew

    Pat Downs

    At the risk of adding fuel... I won't pat down my patient's, I wasn't trained too. If I'm concerned for my safety or that of my partner I will ask the patient if they have anything on them. If they say yes I'll ask them where and if they are happy for me to hold onto it. I'm not up close and...
  20. Stew

    Scuba Diving?

    I've got my PADI Rescue certification, started diving Jan 2009. It's great living with amazing dives sites an hours boat road away. I've got most of my own gear so it only costs A$100 for a two/three dive trip.