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  1. EMT-B2B

    Got a problem

    Hence the underlined military post and at work "The fact that these two people decided to practice IV's on eachother at work is the only issue. Not the best decision."
  2. EMT-B2B

    Got a problem

    I'm not stating that using IV's at work to cure a hangover is ok. I'm simply stating that practicing IV's on one another is not an issue, if the people doing it are trained and able to do it. Their not running chest tubes on eachother, their running IV's. This "common practice" go's on all...
  3. EMT-B2B

    my new guy post!

    Welcome! This is a great site. Take advantage of it!
  4. EMT-B2B

    The Crackhead with Chest Pain

    Drugs or not....chest pain?......BP 150/120?.....SOB?.....bull**** call or may be lying.....who knows.... but with's still sugesting possible MI......ALS call one way or the other.....don't know about you....but I don't really want to be the one ending up in court just...
  5. EMT-B2B

    25/F overdose scenario

    Should hook up 15 L per min with BVM with pt breathing 3 times per min. Whats breathing rate after pt comes around? Stop bagging or keep bagging? Couldnt the pt coming around possibly have an effect on the breathing rate? I would definatley reassess after pt comes to.
  6. EMT-B2B

    Got a problem

    I can't say that I see anything wrong with it. They maybe could have done it somewhere other than work. Here in CO EMT-B's are IV certified. I was also a combat lifesaver in the military and it was common to practice sticking eachother every Sunday morning to get rid of hangovers. Not really...
  7. EMT-B2B

    EMT-B Students!!!

    Didease Cards Does anyone else have to do disease cards? We have a disease card due once a week on the assigned disease. Easy to do and surprised how much I learn from doing one disease card. The card has to include the cause, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment. Its in the...
  8. EMT-B2B


    I agree with the small amount of hours required not being enough. I am going to do as many as I can, and try to even it out between ED and ride time.
  9. EMT-B2B


    We have to wear white scool polo with EMS Star on blue EMS belt.....and name badge.....we only have to where it for labs and clinical time.
  10. EMT-B2B


    Ok....Finally got the clinicals figured out here. Doing 12 hours with amb....12 hours ED.....shouldnt be to bad...being that we do have trauma, burn, stroke, cardiac centers all within 30 or 40 miles. We get to pick. Start clinicals at the end of Feb.....and we can do as many hours as we...
  11. EMT-B2B

    EMT enlisting in the military

    I did both active duty time and NG time in the Army. Depends alot on the MOS that your looking at. I just signed back up with the guard but decided to go Air Guard this time. Couldnt get a medic or medical slot. None open. So took Security Forces for six year enlistment with a $15,000...
  12. EMT-B2B

    Colorado EMT

    Im in the Springs
  13. EMT-B2B

    Avoiding Burnout, Stress, Etc.

    Sense of Humor! In my corrections work.....I dealt with the BULL**** by having a sense of humor. I imagine thats how I'll handle stress in EMS. I have a rotten sense of humor that most people wouldnt find humerous one bit. But something that the average Joe Smo would find distastefull, you...
  14. EMT-B2B

    New to the forum

  15. EMT-B2B

    Paramedics in Colorado

    Very well said!
  16. EMT-B2B

    Paramedics in Colorado

    LOL.....I'm just saying that I try to look at it as improvement. I spent the last 8 years of my life working in the prison system in California. Let me feel good about my drastic carreer change! LAMAO!!!:nosoupfortroll:
  17. EMT-B2B

    Paramedics in Colorado

    As an EMT or Paramedic are we not all providing care under our Scope of Practice? Doesn't the trainingthat we receive, regardless of the state or country that we work in, determine our scope of practice? I feel that any training that an EMT or Paramedic receives is valuable in the sense...
  18. EMT-B2B

    Good Format for Disease Cards

    Does anyone have any good ideas for the format of disease cards? The disease card should include: 1. Causes 2. Risk Factors 3. Sign and Symptoms 4. Treatment How would I format the disease card to display this content?
  19. EMT-B2B

    Paramedics in Colorado

    Ive heard good things about Thompson Valley. Unfortunately Im in the Springs and taking the course at PPCC. The instuctor is a Paramedic for AMR and unfortunately AMR is the only service down here, besides the local FDs. I do also like the concept of EMT-B's being able to run IV's in the field...
  20. EMT-B2B

    Paramedics in Colorado

    Thanks for the info Sasha. Maybe the this pertained to an ED environment. Not to sure. Would that make a difference, if it was in the field or in the ER? I guess I will have to clear that up. I would imagine that in the ER it would be the responsibility of the MD on duty?