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  1. E

    Interviewing for a paramedic position. HELP!!

    Next week I'll be taking a test and doing an interview for a paramedic/fire fighter position at a department that I REALLY want to work for. Needless to say I'm pretty nervous. Can anyone give me any pointers or suggestions about what to review or what might be asked at the oral board review...
  2. E

    Just passed the NREMT

    1st try, 2nd try, it doesn't matter! All that matters is that you passed! :)
  3. E

    D-Day is coming...

    I'm just gonna beat the dead horse :deadhorse: and tell you not to study and just relax like everyone else has. I took my EMT-P test about 3 months ago, and just chilled the day before and the day of the test. You should already know your stuff at this point, cramming won't help, but relaxing...
  4. E

    Where are the Paramedic jobs?!?!

    Not really planning on giving up on the original goal. I'm just trying to think ahead. The thing is that I have a child on the way, I have a paramedic license and I'm stuck working at Sears. (I am grateful to HAVE a job, even if it doesn't pay well.) It's just frustrating!:angry:
  5. E

    Where are the Paramedic jobs?!?!

    Has anyone ever looked into the College Network? They have a bridge program to go from Paramedic to RN. I talk to them about it, it's an online course that takes about 2 years. Anyone have any insight on this stuff??
  6. E

    Where are the Paramedic jobs?!?!

    Yeah, I got a little boy on the way. I was thinking of going back to school to be an RN. I just would hate to back to school, and right now I can't afford it. I'm sitting on my paramedic license and just working at Sears. :glare:
  7. E

    Where are the Paramedic jobs?!?!

    I got my paramedic license in the middle of March. All the way through school I was told that landing a medic job would be easy... "Everyone is looking for Paramedics." I'm finding that's not the case. <_< I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem???? I live in Kansas City and you...
  8. E

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Basic or Medic? I know it's frustrating!! I didn't pass my first time. I honestly think it's more common for people to fail it once or twice before they pass. Just hit the books and study ur @$$ off for a couple weeks, be prepared for scenario questions!! Keep focus and u'll get there!!
  9. E

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Passed!!! Took the EMT-Paramedic test yesterday, second try!! Stopped at 80 questions. I was so sure I failed, but I passed!! Feels so good!!!:D
  10. E

    Cool Podcast for Medic or Medic-to-be.

    I have a Zune, but I'm sure this would work for an Ipod as well. I found a Podcast that covers a bunch of material that would help a Medic review and a "Medic-to-be" study. It's "Vital Signs" by JB Learning. The series also counts as CE credits...
  11. E

    Taking NR for Paramedic, 2nd time...

    Soon I'll be taking the NR test again for paramedic, the first time was a "near pass" , but this time I feel ready. One thing that is kinda bothering me... I remember the test asking a bunch of questions about Alzheimers Pts and meds. I don't see that on the list of stuff that's supposed to be...
  12. E

    Help!!! Best way to study?????

    I just took my National Registry Paramedic test yesterday.... "Near Passing". Didn't pass. :sad: Turns out all the stuff I focused on and studied wasn't even on the test. <_< I felt fairly confident, but the practice books I was using didn't seem to help. I've have 2 questions... First: Does...
  13. E

    Passed I-85

  14. E

    Test question?

    I'm taking the NREMT Paramedic Exam tomorrow. Does anyone know if the computer test is broke down into sections? Do I have to pass Airway&Breathing, Cardiology, Trauma, etc... individually? Or is it just one % I have to reach???? PLEASE HELP!!! I'm a lil nervous!!! :unsure:
  15. E

    Taking the NREMT Paramedic EXAM on Wednesday.

    I'm taking the BIG test on Wednesday. I'm excited but really nervous! :wacko: I've been studying up for the past month. Anyone have any last minute suggestions????? :unsure:
  16. E

    Takeing the test this Thurs.

    I know the feeling, but don't let the test stand between you and your goal! I took my EMT-P practical exam twice before I passed it!! I went back and studied the basics and figured out what I was doing wrong was something simple. Just hit the books again, grab a "Practice Exam" book and run...
  17. E

    Takeing the test this Thurs.

    EMT-P or EMT-B??? I haven't taken the EMT-P exam yet, but I'm going to soon. I've been looking over scenarios and treatments.
  18. E

    Can I make enough as an EMT

    I don't know if there is a casino near you, but you might wanna see if they have EMTs there. I live in Missouri and the casinos here are reqired by law to have EMTs. I make around $13 an hour... it's not real exciting work... lotta down time (I'm at work right now), but the casinos generally pay...
  19. E

    NREMT - Paramedic Exam - Advice?????

    I don't think that I could walk in there without studying and expect to pass. I'm just worried that all the studying that I'm doing is in the wrong direction. I feel overwhelmed and confused. :sad: Is this going to be a test that is primarily scenario based? I got 1/2 a mind to just take a stab...
  20. E

    I don't know what else to do! Getting really worried now.

    I'm getting ready to take the NREMT Paramedic Exam for the first time in a few weeks. I've been studying with practice exam books. I feel like I'm reenforcing my knowledge, but I'm worried that the test is more scenario based and the books don't really prepare me for that as much. Do I have a...