Search results

  1. R

    Paramedics in the tier 2 system, what do you think of EMT-B's.

    I run in a tier 2 system. Recently in the last few months, I've come across paramedics who for lack of a better sentence: Would just rather not have me on board. They have this poor attitude when I whole-hardheartedly ask in the back of the ambulance "Do you need anything man, I'm here to...
  2. R

    How many calls do you get typically in a shift...

    Howdy, I'm employed in New Jersey, which uses the tier 2 system of EMT-B's getting both the life threats, and the not so life threats. When a life threat is dispatched, so is ALS, and we assist accordingly, frequently applying the EKG bits, blood pressure cuff, exc. Along with doing the obvious...