Search results

  1. LenaLena26

    Cardiology & Pharmacology

    So I know that the more extensive subjects in medic school are going to be cardiology and pharmacology, which ironically were my worst subjects in EMT school... I'm determined to ace and master both of these subjects in medic school, which doesn't start until June (I'm taking a Paramedic...
  2. LenaLena26

    Good Sam Paramedic Program (illinois)

    Hey guys, Has anyone here gone through the Good Sam Medic program? I'm thinking about applying.. Is it a good school? And if anyone has any pointers about the application process, I would greatly appreciate it :) Thanks! :)
  3. LenaLena26

    EMS fears?

    Think back to the day you've been a newly hired EMT, waiting to start your first shift of the rest of your life.... What were some of your biggest fears about the job? Were those fears realized? Did they not even seem like a big deal when they happened? Tell me your stories, I'm interested :)
  4. LenaLena26

    Best Work Boots?

    Hi all, I'm a new EMT just wanting to know what are the best (and most comfortable) shoes to work in based on your experiences? I don't mind spending a few extra dollars if it means they'll be comfortable, long lasting and reliable. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks :)