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  1. J

    AFIB with RVR and wide complex??

    I thought this was a learning/share your opinion enviorment. You must be one of those guys who thinks he knows everything yet does nothing. I bet you spend your days judging people instead of giving advice. Pathetic!
  2. J

    AFIB with RVR and wide complex??

    The high flow o2 was mostly for patient comfort since he was having trouble breathing. I am aware this was because of the rapid heart rate. I do have verapamil but I forgot to mention we were out in an area that has no phone service and my medicaid direction requires a call to request this...
  3. J

    AFIB with RVR and wide complex??

    Hello everybody I recently went on a call and wanted to share my experience and get some feedback/ opinions from others. We responded to a 45 year old male patient with chest pain that began 1 hour prior to calling EMS. S: Chest pain, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath A: NKA M...
  4. J

    humeral head IO

    Not sure about flowing as quick as a central line, i believe the main purpose is to reach central circulation quicker for medications to take effect asap! Compared to the Tibial IO it is very simple to do