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  1. A

    Tunnel vision strikes again?

    Call for a 22 y/o female c/o vomiting. Arrive to find pt sitting on couch, unable to sit still, with a bucket containing about 1/2 Liter of vomited stomach fluid (bile, etc. - no food). Pt states she had one beer and one shot the night before on an empty stomach and has not been able to stop...
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    Supervisor's Instructions vs. Protocols

    An issue has come up where I work in which the supervisor issued a verbal directive that goes directly against our county's protocols. He hasn't put it in our service's protocols to my knowledge. I don't want to say what the specific issue is, but it does involve a potentially life-saving...
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    What do you think of CrossFit for fire/EMS? I ask because I recently became painfully aware of the loooong way I have to go before I'd consider myself ready to join a career fire department. (I also want to be in better shape for EMS-only jobs in the interim.) I'm starting from pretty...
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    Albuquerque Ambulance Service

    Hi all - I'm about to interview with AAS as a Basic and was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to prepare; i.e. is it similar to some fire service interviews with situational/ethical/interpersonal questions, or is it a more traditional employment format? Thanks!!