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    EMT Training Blog

    Hey everyone! I've been helping a friend of mine go through the EMT process which is very overwhelming and the resources online are pretty scattered. I've been working on a side project in my spare time to develop a central source to help walk people through the process of becoming an EMT...
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    What AED/Monitor does your service use?

    We use LP15's as well.
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    Misdemeanor, should I even keep going?

    I'm not sure what state your in but I found this in a previous thread a while back for California regulations: I would contact your state and see what their regulations are.
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    Personal Blogs?

    I've seen a couple personal blogs integrated with other forums i'm a member in. Would be pretty cool to be able to have a personal EMT blog to share stores/information with others on a regular basis without polluting the forums.
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    the 100% directionless thread

    Thanks! I was nervous as hell, they were very supportive :)
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Shut off around question 74, if I remember correctly, passed thankfully, I was nervous as hell the week leading up to it.
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    the 100% directionless thread

    Came out to my parents today.. feels good
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    Any 'younger' medics?

    I've been an EMT for 3 years now, finished Basic when I was 21, I'm 24 now, still young!
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    QR Code ID tags

    I could still see HIPAA having a field day with something like this, no matter how "public" that information may be.
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    Ever Transported a Peds Psych?

    Yup. My first call on the job after Basic. Very violent 10 year old in restraints.. it definitely caught me off guard. Since then I've had about 3 more ped psych call, routine now.
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    QR Code ID tags

    Not to mention potential security implications. Whatever site the information is stored on would have to be private and you'd need some way to restrict that access to only those who should be privy to it. If that's the case you'd either need some login page, or a special device that can scan the...
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    How do you keep up your energy?

    An early morning run, every morning. Not only does it keep me healthy and fit but surprisingly it keeps me energetic. And coffee, lots of coffee.