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  1. M

    Headphones in ambulance

    One of the two radio's is just an verification and emergency channel. We just give back the digitaly sent adress to our dispatch so they can confirm. So actually it's a channel with maximum 11 cars sending their verification or ask for assistance or help. The other channel is a bit bussier...
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    Headphones in ambulance

    The problem seems to be to connect the digital radio's to the gateway. Seems to be normally the analogue two-radio's. Suggestions? Cheers, Medic112
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    Headphones in ambulance

    To clear all mis-understandings (and sorry for my bad english) I've drawn an scetch.
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    Headphones in ambulance

    I my country even deaf people can ride a car, so a headphone (to protect your hearing) can't be forbidden. I hear David Clark has different systems to use in Fire and ambulance trucks. Anyone has experience with these? thx
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    Headphones in ambulance

    I my country even deaf people ca
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    Headphones in ambulance

    Hello, in my country it is 'til this point not seen to wear headphones in an ambulance. What are the experiences of these readers of these systems. Like I see it the system would be capable of doing these things: - direct communication between the driver / medic in the front and the...
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    blue light in ambulance to relax the patient

    And has anyone a clue where i can find studies relating to the use of blue and green in operating theaters an ER? These colours must be picked for a certain reason, not? medic112
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    blue light in ambulance to relax the patient

    sorry i wasn't that clear. I mean the surrounding light in de back of the ambulance. Normally you see white lights as working light, but i'm looking for studies who claim that a blue light enviroment would relax the patiënt more. Like you see the color blue on the uniforms of the nurses and...
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    blue light in ambulance to relax the patient

    Hoi, i'm looking for literature about the color blue that would be working relaxing on the patiënt. In some ambulances a blue light is used as a dimmed light to relax. I also wonder if this blue light would help to place the IV-line? medic112
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    MRSA in ambulance fleet

    Seems I can't reply under my nick, but what I wanted to say ... gives me something to work, thx to y'a all ... nevertheless still searching the full article. greets, Medic112
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    MRSA in ambulance fleet

    Can anyone send me a pdf-file concerning this issue? "Can Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Be Found in an Ambulance Fleet?" Prehospital Emergency Care, Volume 11, Issue 2 April 2007 , pages 241 - 244 In my country this magazine is not for sale ... depending on the...