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  1. B

    Pneumothroax Transport Destination

    Veneficus could you link the surgical articles you are referencing? Or give the name and issue? I would be quite interested in reading them. Thanks!
  2. B

    Vitals with pain.

    Since your partner doesn't seem to believe you, maybe he needs a more tangible lesson. Try this: Hook him up to a monitor and get a set of vitals, then hit him with a bat (try to break a rib or two), take his vitals, and get his pain scale, finally wait ten minutes get another set of vitals and...
  3. B

    thrombolytics not effective in treatment of strokes?

    I know Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA is participating in a study comparing the effectiveness of bat venom vs tpa. Here is a link to info on dspa.