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    My partner banged out.

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    Students texting in class

    hahaha, no, sadly he was a student! :lol:
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    Students texting in class

    There was a guy in my EMT program who slept the whole time. So rude!! He was in his 50s and smelled bad, i definitely wouldn't want him to respond to any of my emergencies. :blink:
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    EMTLife Holiday EMT Gift Guide 2011

    OOOH!! Great list!! Gave me good ideas on what to add to my list too!
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    what is the funniest thing a patient has ever said or done to u?

    Oh wow!! Soo funny!! I cant wait til I have fun EMS stories to tell.. Although i do have a LOT from my dementia pts while I was a CNA. I'll have to post them sometime. No time now! But thanks all for the laughs!
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    California Ambulance Drivers License

    Oops I accidentally posted twice..
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    California Ambulance Drivers License

    Im taking my Ambulance Test today! Eek! Im so nervous! I read the blue book, so I'm hoping that will have prepared me enough. Also I took the little quiz AMR has on their website. This whole ambulance thing with the dmv has been such a pain. I called and asked if i needed to bring any paperwork...
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    Just A Cool Story

    Aww so cute.. Really is straight outta "the notebook". So romantic.. sigh
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    noob Hey hey. Im a newly certified emt-b with plans for being a flight nurse.. we'll see how that goes. ;) Im also a phlebotomist, and CNA. I live in california... been stalking on this site last couple days, finally decided to say hi. :P