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  1. J

    What to do/see in Golden Colorado

    Going to be in Golden in a week or so, have not been there in over 15 years, what is there to see and do in the area?
  2. J

    Colorado EMT Hiring

    Good to know. Any chance Cheyenne will be revamping the protocols up there any time soon, from what I understand they have a county wide medical board of some kind and a new state EMS director that is progressive and not regressive.
  3. J

    How can you guys stay in EMS?

    Thus why I'm a er tech now, better pay, better hours, ability to do more interventions but I miss running the streets.
  4. J

    NREMT 'Transition'

    Never got that e mail. According to that a NREMT-B has to transition to the NREMT & to facilitate that we have to take a state-approved transition course and stay at the exact same level with the same skill sets. Yet it's a course and test where the NREMT get's even more money...t...
  5. J

    Colorado EMT Hiring

    AMR Denver does have a few issues, they only run 911 in Denver when the system is on overfolw and no other ambulance is available from what I understand & since they are rather large and can support the entire front range from Cheyenne on down....They have a couple different ways to get your EMT...
  6. J

    How can you guys stay in EMS?

    Ahhh I see Pridemark lost Boulder county to AMR.... That's a good move in my book, not a big fan of pridemark.....
  7. J

    Looking for Backboarding Lesson Plans

    True you can have better options. When the emergency room Dr is standing there & says to take C spine precautions & board the person does one argue? Or when you have written protocols in place for falls established by hospital management and you deviate from those written procedures should...
  8. J

    Looking for Backboarding Lesson Plans

    Thank you Mr Brown! Yes the long board is over used, no question about that but when you are in a protocol driven service you must abide by your protocols if you want to stay employed and putting food on the table. We have also had times when a C collar is applied, but no board, every...
  9. J

    Looking for Backboarding Lesson Plans

    In the course of a year we had somebody fall that broke C3 & C4, somebody else fell that fractured C2 and a couple more falls that also fractured some vertebra. Should we let then walk around or ride in a wheelchair, or take proper C-spine protection measures? Not every fall needs C-spine...
  10. J

    How can you guys stay in EMS?

    Can't say I'm all that suprised as lots of crews are not very professional around Denver. I've been flipped off by a ambulance crew at DG as well as another crew at St. Anthony...we were in a ambulance from a different company. We were also out at Craig Hospital doing a transfer once and had a...
  11. J

    Looking for Backboarding Lesson Plans

    Interesting on how different parts of the world do different things is it not. Hospital staff who will teach others & who respond to accidents in the hospital and on the property. They have medical background but very few have been in EMS and need to learn how and when to backboard.
  12. J

    Looking for Backboarding Lesson Plans

    I've been volunteered to to conduct training at work on how to properly apply a C collar & then backboard the patient. I'd like to hit on not only how to do it, but why, proper assessment & then what happens when you are on the board to long.. Anywhoo... can you recommend any web sites...