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  1. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    Good night forum
  2. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    I tried?
  3. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    Sigh Okay, I guess you need to get more X's on your sig and finish school. The we could talk.
  4. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    But I would buy
  5. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    We would have a great discussion over a few beers, of coarse I would win. But that is just how I role.
  6. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    It all started with Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve theories and my judgment on those. I apologize, I am sorry. But I just wanted to convey that a absolute good PSO2 does not correspond to tissue profusion. The topic got twisted to MI's which was way off topic. But I am good with that too.
  7. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    And you should never have taken issue with treat the patient not the monitor, it is a rule taught in every med school, nursing school, and paramedic class ever held. Or it should have been, if your instructor was worth anything.
  8. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    It is good your take issue with it, so honestly as a clinician what would you believe? Your own clinical judgment or that machine? that is all I stated, and yet you got all pissy? Tell me?
  9. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    like that part?
  10. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    As so stated?
  11. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    Um, just for the record. Isn't that what I said in the first place? And you took issue at it, LOL
  12. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    Actually lets just agree to disagree okay. Because by definition a STEMI is an ST elevated MI. But a normal 12 lead does not rule out an MI, but it does rule out a STEMI. There are more than one MI's and the treatment rules dictate various approaches, such as sub endocardial just to name...
  13. G

    Delicious Dyspena

    Meh, he did not give enough info. Need more H&P.
  14. G

    Moral/Ethical Limits of Scene Safety

    A old EMS axiom, watch your own *** first, or there will be no one around to treat the patient. Do not try and out hero the other person, that is only for TV.
  15. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    Sorry, I did not mean to jump your ***. but until you learn the difference between compensated and uncompensated distress and know the values of oxy-hemoglobin curves then you will not understand the effects of resp distress on a patient. Your point is valid on non typical acute cardiac...
  16. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    I guess we should keep them, if you can not walk into a room and see an ashen grey patient grabbing their chest short of breath and dripping in sweat. And you hold your judgment of what is going on until you actually hook up your monitor. Well yeah I guess you need that 12 lead. I guess if...
  17. G

    Too Much Oxygen? hmmmm

    WHAT, your gonna treat the patient not a monitor? That is just crazy thinking.
  18. G

    Routine, but not for me

    That's about what my Paramedic training involved too, plus I had to buy lunch. Clinical was OB, Med Surg, OR, ER, and ride time. Christ I even had to learn to cath patients, that is urinary not cardiac.
  19. G

    Poor IV access

    EJ.Femoral, or IO. Yes you can do those on adults, even if they are awake. Or for those male pts. that tell you that there is no way your can get a IV in them. Bet them 20 bucks they got one vein you can usually get, but they may not like it much. Come on, did you really have to think...