Search results

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    Combat Lifesaver vs. EMT/Medic

    put a broad band-aid on a big boo boo. it is worthwhile but i hated watching soldiers walk out of my class thinking they were the new unit medics.
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    GW Contract in Kuwait

    recently contacted by a recruiter for this job. doesn't sound as lucrative as it should be. any other input as far as compensation, benefits (not health insurance and 401k obviously) any good input?
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    Paramedic sued for stealing patient's foot

    thats hilarious. we had a similar incident in baghdad. not nearly as morbid tho
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    Thinking about an army career 68w

    i was going to respond, but this guy nailed it all right on the head. don't join, or if you just have to, look into the USCG. sounds more like your style
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    Kuwait EMT job... any advice or information?

    just interviewed just finished a phone interview with a recruiter today. he said he would be recommending me to the hiring agency (GWU). He was however pretty light on the details about the job. can anyone give me a little more info. i've been doing this for 8 years so i know what to expect...