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  1. wadford

    A Rant

    Ok so this is a little bit of a rant. I've been doing this for almost three years now and in that admittedly short amount of time I've learned a few things. There's policy, common sense and then there are good partners. The scenario goes as follows. We get finished running three calls...
  2. wadford

    Salt Airways

    Hey guys, the county service I work for has the salt airways. I've yet to use one, but I was wondering for those who have used them. How do you like them? How often are they effective when your medic puts the tube down? Have you had any issues with them? Thanks :)
  3. wadford

    EMS and Biker Groups

    I know I haven't been active on here for a while. Real life has been keeping me hostage. Working county and private. We had an incident earlier in the week, homicide/biker gang violence. I was talking to my Lt. afterwards and he said that if we ever responded to an incident that involved a...
  4. wadford

    Questions about IFT job...

    So I got on with an IFT service not too far from where I live. There is a lot of down time between runs on our slow days. I was just wondering, for those who work IFT how you pass the time?^_^^_^
  5. wadford

    Ambunet Inc?

    Has anyone ever heard/worked for Ambunet? I've got an interview with them on Tuesday. Just wanted to toss a line out.
  6. wadford

    Private Ambulance Companies in SC

    I was wondering if there's anyone from SC here and if any of you are familiar with the local private ambulance companies. Particularly in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties.
  7. wadford

    Wondering About Classes

    I am an EMT-B, just waiting for my certification stuff to come in the mail, I was wondering about other classes that would be good to take, and where would I find a listing of said classes. I'm not planning on taking the medic class until at least a year of working 911. Also curious if any of...
  8. wadford

    How did you begin your EMS career?

    Ok so I was wondering how everybody started out in EMS. Did you automatically jump into 911 or did you do IFT first, and what you would recommend for a brand new EMT. Our instructor advised us to start out at a private ambulance company if we could so that we could hone our patient assessment...
  9. wadford


    I just found out that I passed the CBT for basic. Now I have to wait for my stuff to come in the mail before I can apply for my state certification for South Carolina.
  10. wadford

    Question about

    Ok so I just got back from taking the NREMT written exam for basics. My question is about test results, when I checked under my certification it showed up as EMS professional error, and not currently certified. I know it may be too soon to check (the woman at the testing center said they may be...
  11. wadford

    sc jobs?

    I'm in South Carolina, in the lowcountry. I'm taking my written exam next Friday and I was wondering if anyone on the forum is in or as ever worked ems in South Carolina. Any advice as far as job hunting would be greatly appreciated.
  12. wadford

    Passed practicals - waiting to take written

    We had NREMT practicals yesterday and I passed the first time through on all four stations!! Now I just have to schedule a date to take the written test! How long did it take you to get your application in through I called my school this morning and she said it would take about a week.
  13. wadford

    Just a question

    Ok, so I've passed my EMT-B class and I'm waiting to go test at national registry. My question is, should I go ahead and be putting in applications or should I wait until I complete the practicals and the written test?
  14. wadford

    Almost Done!

    Last Thursday was my last official class! I found out that I passed my EMT-B class and am going on to national registry on the 27th. Our instructor said that he will hold a mock registry the day before actual registry so we can get a feel for it. I've already been a "patient" for registry...
  15. wadford

    Differences in Classroom and Ride alongs

    Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a while. Still in EMT-B class, we are about to close out our trauma module. Anyway what I was wondering about are the differences that you noticed between what you learned how to do in class such as patient assessments, airway and such and what you noticed when...
  16. wadford

    Patient Assessments

    Ok so we are in the patient assessment portion of my EMT-B class, actually we are about to take the exam to close out the module. What were some of the things you all did to practice your patient assessments? What scenarios did you use?
  17. wadford

    Brachial Artery and Blood Pressure

    I really hope this is the right section to post this in. So we are in the patient assessment module in my EMT-B class. And we are doing vital signs. My question is this, what do you do when you have to take a patients bp and you can't feel the pulse in the brachial artery? Given that the "pt" is...
  18. wadford


    Hey guys, I hope this is the right place to post this. I am an EMT-B student right now and I was wondering what the best way was to memorize protocols, what to do at NREMT on the stations, signs and symptoms of common medical complaints. Rather, what did you do that worked best?
  19. wadford

    Stethoscopes with the acrylic heads.

    Hey everyone. I have a question regarding stethoscopes. Specifically the ones with the acrylic heads. I think they are really cute and what not, but they also need to work and let me hear what I'll need to hear (for blood pressures, lung sounds ect.) Has anyone ever used these and what did you...
  20. wadford

    Hello from South Carolina

    Hey everyone! I start my EMT-B class on Tuesday and I'm super excited! I was wondering what everyone else thought of the class when you took it. Also what your first call was. Thanks yall!