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  1. F

    EMS Customer Service

    We are a local municipality that supplies both fire and EMS to the residents. We know how important it is to have good customer service to go along with our patient care. Something we would like to do is take it a step further. We have thought about surveys the patient would be able to mail...
  2. F

    EMT Class Class participation ideas

    I am wondering what some things you may do in your classes as an instructor to increase class participation. Such as games that you may play, or group participation things you may due. Such as taking 2 coffee straws inserting them in to you mouth, holding your nose and doing a few sit-ups while...
  3. F

    CE Ideas

    I am going be doing some CE Practicals. We will be doing Pediatrics and Geriatrics. I was looking for some ideas and or possible scenario's. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!
  4. F

    EMS Dept. Training

    I am assist our training officer in our monthly trainings. I am trying to come up with some "new" or "different" ideas this year to change things up. What does your agnecy do for EMS training? Thank you!
  5. F

    Treatment Question

    I have a 77y/o Female. We were called for weakness, difficulty breathing, abd pain. She has been feeling weak and has had the abd pain for approx. 1 week. She does not remember when her last bowel movement was and has been vomiting for the past couple of days. She also has COPD. Her lung sounds...
  6. F

    On Call Medic

    We are are a fire based EMS agency. Monday thru Friday we have one 8:00-17:00 Paramedic on the clock. We also have our 24 hour medic as well. We are looking at do an "on call" Medic M-F after the hours of 17:00 and 24 hours on the weekend. when I say on call I mean we pay the medic a small wage...