Search results

  1. TonyD1

    Lost ID card

    Forgive me if this has been address but i was unable to find it in a search.... I lost my wallet and in it was my NREMT card which i need for applying to jobs and whatnot. I poked around the NR website and couldn't really find anything regarding a re-issuing process. Anyone know I could go...
  2. TonyD1

    Paramedic school in WA

    I have been debating on if i wanted to pursuit a paramedic career or not. Within the next two years i will be moving to seattle, wa and was looking at programs up there. I found one through UW and it mentioned something about the tuition being covered by a sponsoring agency. Does anyone know...
  3. TonyD1

    Nervous Basic

    So i am proud to announce that i will finally be applying to AMR santa barbara. I have little time actually spent shadowing on the rig, as most of my EMT hours have been spent in the hospital, and i am quite nervous as what to expect on the road. Any tips for applying with this company? Hiring...
  4. TonyD1

    Schools for EMT-II?

    I've been considering taking the next step in my EMT education and cant seem to find any usable resources for finding a school in my area to start my EMT intermediate training. Does anyone know of a good online resource to find schools or even schools in my area(Southern California) that are...
  5. TonyD1

    New from 805, CA

    Hello my name is Anthony and I currently live in Santa Barbara, CA. I am a chemistry major and SBCC and I work as a health assistant in the Santa Barbara School districts and have been an EMT-B for a little over a year. I never even thought of a forum for ems personell until recently when I...