Search results

  1. M

    Headphones in ambulance

    Hello, in my country it is 'til this point not seen to wear headphones in an ambulance. What are the experiences of these readers of these systems. Like I see it the system would be capable of doing these things: - direct communication between the driver / medic in the front and the...
  2. M

    blue light in ambulance to relax the patient

    Hoi, i'm looking for literature about the color blue that would be working relaxing on the patiënt. In some ambulances a blue light is used as a dimmed light to relax. I also wonder if this blue light would help to place the IV-line? medic112
  3. M

    MRSA in ambulance fleet

    Can anyone send me a pdf-file concerning this issue? "Can Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Be Found in an Ambulance Fleet?" Prehospital Emergency Care, Volume 11, Issue 2 April 2007 , pages 241 - 244 In my country this magazine is not for sale ... depending on the...