Search results

  1. E

    Looking for GreenLight II Laryngoscope kit

    I am looking for this particular kit for our service and I am having a hard time finding it. If you know where could you please provide a link.
  2. E

    Planning a mci Drill

    I am in the process of planning an MCI incident for kinda like a grand finale for a Basic Class. Not a graded event. this event will be after all their clinicals and written tests. This would be kinda like the icing on the cake kinda a fun way to end the class on the last day. The students...
  3. E

    question on TEXAS SCope of Practice

    Just wanted some info regarding some things in Texas. As I have read through many threads here I know there are alot of people with knowledge about Texas. In Texas I understand there is no Standard Scope of Practice and that Texas is basically a Medical Director driven State. WIth that...