Search results

  1. K

    Just curious

    I'm in the Intermediate class and having some trouble with IV's, I can get the flash most of the time but have trouble with advancing the cath, I'm hoping I'll get it in time with practice but I was just long did it take before you got a successful IV? I'm hoping I'm not the...
  2. K

    Need some advice...

    I got my EMT-B in May, and after searching finally got a job offer with a transport company, my dilemma is that I will be going back for Paramedic school in January and I'm not sure if the schedule between work and school are going to work. School is Monday and Wednesday with clinicals also...
  3. K

    Searching in TX

    This might be a stupid question but...I just got my NREMT and TX certification as an EMT-B and I am searching for a job, but it's hard when you live in a small town. I am also searching out of town but someone recently told me if I don't find a job immediately that future employers that I apply...