Recent content by emt4life

  1. E

    Please help me help my EMTB students.

    Sounds great everyone, thanks for the advice. Are there any instructors out their teaching to the new guidelines? I am looking for advice about teaching pathophysiology to my EMTB without getting ridiculously in depth. Any tips?
  2. E

    Podcast idea

    Sounds like a great idea. What would be really helpful is, from an isntructor perspective, is start out on a basic level in the podcast and then get more ALS. So many things are geared toward Paramedic that I am so often searching for good podcast for my EMT basic students. But that could...
  3. E

    Please help me help my EMTB students.

    I am looking for ideas from both instructors and students on how best to help my class. I am looking mainly on what to give them as far as study tips for the exams. They seem to really be struggling with that. Plus taking notes. Some of my students way of taking notes is to sit in lecture...
  4. E

    Rural EMS

    Okay everyone that has or is currently working in rural ems I need your help. I volunteer at the school I went to medic school at and I want to give a presentation to the classes on the pros/cons to working rural EMS. Most of the people that come out of this school go on to work in the big...
  5. E

    Medic to RN program

    I didn't mean to offend anyone by calling ems a hobby, however, I really want to work rural ems and where I live rural ems has to be a hobby/dedication because you don't make enough at it to survive on it alone. The program I am looking at is a full year plus a summer semester, not just a...
  6. E

    Medic to RN program

    Has anyone done or is doing a medic to RN program? I am very fortunate in my area to have a program that has just started up and was wondering what other people thought of it? I am seriously thinking about doing it so that I can keep doing the medic as a "hobby" but pay the bills with the...
  7. E

    Paramedics as Dispatchers

    In my area, the dispatchers are at least EMTB, if not Paramedics. The dispatchers do a lot of pre-arrival directions for the city and surrounding cities, so they have to have some medical training. In the city, the police and Fire tend to keep the same dispatch and they pass medical calls to a...
  8. E

    Alcohol in pediatrics

    Okay, questions for those that know more than I. When it comes to pediatrics and exposure to alcohol, is there a difference in their presentation of alcohol poisoning than that of adults? What would set severe intoxication apart from poisoning, especially in a pediatric pt? The reason I ask...
  9. E

    How did you get into EMS?

    I got into it half-way through college by taking a first responder course, had so much fun that I decided to take the EMTB course and it snowballed from there. I finished college and then went on to Paramedic school. I don't regret it one bit!!
  10. E

    I knew there would be a problem with this...

    First of all, I agree with everything EMTPrincess said. Try it again with two lifts, if that doesn't work, Start Weight Training! The best way would be to hook up with a personal trainer if possible, you don't always have to work out with them all the time, you would only need a couple...
  11. E

    Too late to become a paramedic?

    Absolutely not. I went through medic school two years ago, I was one of the two youngest at 21y/o. The average age of my class was late 20's to early 30's. The only trouble they had was balancing home life with medic school, which is extremely time consuming. But they all said it was well...
  12. E

    Problem with Partner

    Sounds too me like she might be pretty nervous about her new position, however, her conduct in front during the call was completely uncalled for and I would confront her about it. If it didn't change, then it would be the time to go the next step up. Since you said you two are friends, see if...
  13. E

    Why do they always call at 2 a.m.?

    I HATE when they call at 2am as well, especially when you ask them how long it has been going on and they say "oh since around 8am this morning" :wacko: I mean come on, if it has been going on since then, get your butt in the car and drive yourself or have someone drive you!!!! Another is...
  14. E

    Fluid resuscitation

    My thought and the way I treated it was as he was post ictal from a withdrawl seizure and hypotensive due to dehydration, so here's what I did: -O2 -Vitals -ECG and 12 lead (nothing significant) -IV 18g in AC -BGL - 181mg/dl (from the IV stick) -IV running open for a 200ml NS bolus (it...
  15. E

    Fluid resuscitation

    I am curious as to how aggressively your service treats hypotension? Here is why I ask: 46y/o M described by family as a "heavy drinker" who stopped drinking approx 3 days prior to your call. This day the pt was loading things into a truck when he had a syncopal episode and "seizure like"...