Recent content by EMS_Junkie

  1. E


    Would his name be dalton? He's in my class
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    I'm from rolfe, live in cedar rapids
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    I have the NREMT coming up in a month for EMT-PS. Any suggestions, ideas, advice for the practical or written test? Thanks...
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    Another ACLS Question

    The American Heart Association says after defibrillating VF/pulseless VT, to immediately start CPR for 2 minutes and then do another rhythm check. If you think about it, if you save a "dead heart" its not going to work correct right away, so doing CPR for that 2 minutes even if they are in a...
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    Sodium/Potassium Pump

    Could somebody explain the sodium/potassium pump in the heart for me? I would like to learn more about it.
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    Starting Clinicals

    Hey everyone, Im far enough along in Paramedic school to be starting clinicals. Ill start here in a couple weeks. I was wondering about any tips or suggestions in starting clinicals. Any feedback is appreciated!!
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    Lack of Oxygen...On the Unit

    Im from a small town on a volunteer squad. What we do is after every call on our way back to the station, we go over okay this has to be done when we get back. We know when we run out of o2 and we change it right away when we get back. Its a simple thing to do that takes 5 minutes. But try...
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    It's rude, but do you check medicine cabinets?

    As an EMT it is your responsibility to find out your patient's medications. Finding them or not can alter patient care. Since some patient meds are contraindicators of other drugs. So, I would do everything I can to find the patient's medications.
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    Summer of 2008. I live in a small town probably about 700 people. In the morning my mom came into my room and told me there was a big house fire just down the block. So we went and checked it out. (Cuz you know, thats what we do in small towns.) I overheard one of the firefighters talking...
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    Driving Record Not Perfect...How To Get Hired??

    Ive just got a couple tickets on my record and waiting for reply from an ambulance service. Would the defensive driving class clear it up or just help?
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    EMT Class

    I was in my senior year of high school with 6 classes a day and decided to take an EMT-B course. It was fun but boy was it tough! Good luck!!!
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    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    Im an EMT-B with only a few months experience but Ive been on my ambulance service as a drive for a year and a half and I just started my Paramedic Specialist training last month.
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    EMS Pants

    I am an EMT-B currently and I am in the Paramedic Specialist training. I am wondering about good ideas for EMT pants, I prefer the ones with the reflective tape but I would just like some input from others on what they like.