Telehealth companies may have shared patient data with tech companies


Forum Vice-Principal
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Washed Up Paramedic/ EMT Dropout
Just the term "Telehealth" makes me want to puke....unmitigated racket to give the unwashed masses the illusion of healthcare...

Video options are really great for flexibility with mental health appointments, I will say

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
Video options are really great for flexibility with mental health appointments, I will say
no argument...when that is the only best alternative. That said, if it is offered as anywhere near the same therapeutic efficacy as in person therapy, I have some marsh land in Florida for cynical side sees this as an alternative that favors the practitioner as it can be exploited for his or her convenience and bottom line at the expense of patients. Not always, but surely the potential is there and demonstrable.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I was notified this year that my local hospital had a social media company's tracking pixel embedded in their patient portal. I was frustrated and disappointed.

no argument...when that is the only best alternative. That said, if it is offered as anywhere near the same therapeutic efficacy as in person therapy, I have some marsh land in Florida for cynical side sees this as an alternative that favors the practitioner as it can be exploited for his or her convenience and bottom line at the expense of patients. Not always, but surely the potential is there and demonstrable.

While I personally prefer in-person visits, it's hard to argue against how much more assessable telehealth had made healthcare for countless people.

Many people I know rely on telehealth for treatment of recurring conditions, medication management, follow up visits, and mental health services.

For the types of situations where it's the second time their kid got pink eye this year, they find it invaluable.

For those with poor insurance plans, cheap online telehealth providers are often life-changing.

Those with difficult schedules seem to appreciate the ability to assess healthcare on their schedule instead of having to miss a day of work.

The system isn't perfect, but for a relatively new entrant to public medicine, it's made a lot of progress in the past few years.


Forum Troll
I’ve actually been a huge fan of it. I’ve used it multiple times personally.

We have actually incorporated telemedicine into our 911 system. We will still send out an ALS unit to do an assessment and if the patient has Medicare other government based insurance and they meet specific criteria then we will assist them with a telemedicine visit.


Forum Lieutenant
My wife had an ear infection, all the classic signs. Pain was almost unbearable. She called a Telehealth provider and they gave her a Rx. I pick it up at the pharmacy.... Acetic Acid.

Oh my lord. Really? Vinegar for an extremely painful ear infection? And my copay was higher than meds that retail for over $1,000. Absolutely ludacris.