Exercise... for fun?!?

I hear ya, buddy. I do sprint also. Me and running don't get along too well. I'm 5'9, but the 28 inch inseam doesn't lend well to fast legs! ^_^
Man I must be old and out of shape. My sprint to go pee 20 times a night does me in.
lol, medic417. You're right, the word "sprint" is pretty subjective. :)
Hahaha, it's great, I love the really hilly courses, I look more like a powerlifter than a triathlete, but their long skinny legs really suck on hills where I can maximize my advantage... I'm debating moving up to the Olympic distances this year, my pace is good for the run, but the bike is where I'm making up alot of time... Well, good luck on your season, when's your first race of '08? I think I'm going to race in April, probably up in Canada.
I did my first in April two years ago, but more of a mulisport than a true tri. It was a run, kayak, bike.

My first true tri of the season for the last two years has been the YMCA Rocky Gap tri in Maryland. Its usually the first or second weekend in June. The open water swim is a little chilly.

My favorite tri is the IronGirl Columbia tri. I've done it for the two years its been in existence. Its 1000m open water swim, 30k bike, 3.3 mile run. Its a great course and all the proceeds go to the Ulmer Cancer Fund. This year 1800 women signed up for the race.

I want to move up to olympic, but I'm not looking forward to a 10k. I mean, I know I can run a 10k, but since I'm not designed for running, I've been holding back. Like you, I'm more like a lifter looking (I've been downhill skiing since I was 2 so my legs are huge).

Speaking of skiing, did you say in a post somewhere that you're a ski patroller?
Yep, just couldn't make the refresher this year due to a highly uncooperative appendix, so I just challenged the test again today... It's gonna be a great year out west!!!
what area do you patrol at?

I'm at Timberline in West Virginia. I've patrolled there for 16 years. I'm the patrol rep. right now until we sucker someone else into doing it. :)
what area do you patrol at?

I'm at Timberline in West Virginia. I've patrolled there for 16 years. I'm the patrol rep. right now until we sucker someone else into doing it. :)

I'm at the Summit at Snoqualmie, we're the local resort for Seattle, about 45 minutes East on I-90. I started on Patrol in '03, so fourth year or something... We're in the mad rush to get open, we had a base of 3ft before the last storm, which dumped another foot, and we're scrambling to get ropelines up. It's a little bit of a late start this year, last year we were open by the begining of December, but we're usually open right about now. It's been snowing, and the forcast is for snow for the next week straight. So, how is that east coast frozen gran? ;) Oh, here's the mountain....
We're one of the smaller resorts in WA too...
didnt quite read the entire thread (at work) but going back to the first page....

let me just start out by saying this, i do not work out. i do not exercise. i do not run. that being said, my boss thought this summer would be a nice time to sign everyone in the office up for a 4 man relay. now just because i dont work out and all that doesnt mean im not fit (or does it???). im 21, about 6'-0" and a very skinny 150 lbs. ive always thought that not being "fat" (i hate that word) meant that i was fit. anyways i sign up for this marathon and i get a 3.5 mile stretch. i, being the cocky ******* that i am say to myself "i dont need any practice, i can run 3 miles..." boooooy was i wrong. i started running, not pacing myself nearly as much as i should have, and about 10 minutes in im dead. i started walking, i had to have walked for a good 10 minutes, but i never stopped moving. i started jogging again close to the end, i ended up finishing with about a 10 min/mile pace which is what i was shooting for to start with but having never ran anything timed before in my life i thought 10 min/mile would be easy and it was anything but. i guess to get back to the topic on hand... when i first heard about this great idea i was extremely pissed and wanted nothing to do with it but after finishing (especially with the pace i originally wanted and not practicing at all) i was pretty happy with myself. feeling so sore never felt so good. but not a week later it was almost as if i wanted to do another one and if it werent for the $75 entry fee i would have ran another one. i guess my point is that sometimes starting something is the hardest part and even though it may seem impossible and/or crazy it may actually be good for you and a good idea. i guess i'll just stop now with my motivational speech but congrats to everyone thats started running and kept at it. keepin at it was always the hard part for me.
Exercise can be fun! i know this may seem childish to some of you but there is a game for play station and xbox called Dance Dance Revolution!

For those of you who aren't into games i would suggest pilates or yoga!
I lost a significant amount of weight and felt so good wile doing it!
you can download the videos on a torrent site or they are usually on public programing in the early morning!
I'm at the Summit at Snoqualmie, we're the local resort for Seattle, about 45 minutes East on I-90. I started on Patrol in '03, so fourth year or something... We're in the mad rush to get open, we had a base of 3ft before the last storm, which dumped another foot, and we're scrambling to get ropelines up. It's a little bit of a late start this year, last year we were open by the begining of December, but we're usually open right about now. It's been snowing, and the forcast is for snow for the next week straight. So, how is that east coast frozen gran?

yeah, don't rub it in or anything! :P

we're hurting for snow right now. We keep having warm spells in between snow storms so it keeps melting off.

Thank goodness hell week is almost over (our pet name for the time between christmas and new year when the tourists run amok up here). Had 5 car wrecks today. Only 30 accidents at the mountain so far.

hahaha, that sucks!!! So far this winter we have 18.5' on the books, with safely 1-2.5' falling each week... As a quick point, this series of storms (past 3 days) has put down close to 36". It's been a great year, injuries have stayed low due to people not being able to get up to the ski area, and the soft stuff has also helped... Personally though, I running down to respond to a routine call, flat light and missed a nice little roller, I pretty much exploded at 25mph... Luckily I have everything battened down, all pack straps were snapped and looped, but my body is killing me two days later... That being said, I'm back on the hill at 1500 today... This is a job that I really love...
nice! total yard sale?? if you do that here, you get to buy the first round at the pub! I haven't taken a digger in a while, but I know my days are numbered. I enjoy skiing way too fast and tearing up the edges of the slopes, so I'm sure its only a matter of time before I get beer tagged. :)

If I can find it, I'll send you our ski patrol hymnal. We have written some classics such as "Riding the Bull Wheel Again" sung to the tune of "Stuck in the Middle with You" and "Cat Herdin'" sung to the tune of "Space Truckin'". :D I have video of our paid patrol director singing "Bull Wheel Rider" (Mojo Rider). Its pretty hilarious.

Oh, still in development is "Spinal Immobilization" (sung to Californication).

We're expecting cold weather this weekend. I was running outside in shorts and a short sleeve shirt on Tuesday... temps in the high 60s! Crazy.
Nope, no yard sale, my gear is battened down way too tight for that, the only thing that came loose was my cell phone which was about 10m uphill, an that came out from two velcro tie-downs and a pouch on my chest rig... My body still hurts... Friday was so busy, I never got even one run in, it was combo of digging out the hill after about 2' of wet heavy snow, and hauling bodies, so I was snomo b!@#$ for the day...
Luno and emtff,

What's this I hear about a "runner's high"? I'm currently healing from a crash I had in late July; C2, C7 lateral mass, and L3 burst with vertebrectomy. Halo's been off for a couple of months. L3's growing back. Doing a lot of cardio/weights now, should get cleared to start using lower back and abs along with running next month when I'm cleared to start doing a work hardening program. Doing good on stair-stepper now, so running shouldn't be that big of a stretch... I hope.

Have you guys had much experience with runner's high? May sound stupid, but can you expect to get it. Or am I just reaching here?
Luno and emtff,

What's this I hear about a "runner's high"? I'm currently healing from a crash I had in late July; C2, C7 lateral mass, and L3 burst with vertebrectomy. Halo's been off for a couple of months. L3's growing back. Doing a lot of cardio/weights now, should get cleared to start using lower back and abs along with running next month when I'm cleared to start doing a work hardening program. Doing good on stair-stepper now, so running shouldn't be that big of a stretch... I hope.

Have you guys had much experience with runner's high? May sound stupid, but can you expect to get it. Or am I just reaching here?

Well, I was training pretty heavily during the summer of '06 for the police academy before all of my injuries knocked me flat on my butt...at my best, I could run about 7 miles in one stretch. I never reached a sudden plateau of "runners high" perse...in other words, it wasn't necessarily acute, but I always felt a sense of well-being during my run. It was a good stress reliever because it made me unbelieveably happy for no apparent reason. haha I don't know if it was the heavy metal in my ipod, or a true endorphin high but making an educated guess I'd say it was chemical. I don't know if this helps you any.

Good luck with your healing process...I hope all continues to go well!
Luno - Hopefully you'll feel better soon. I had my first real run in with a patient in over 15 years working on the hill on saturday. The father of the patient asked for treatment of his son, which we provided, then refused to provide any information for our paperwork and also refused to sign. He accused the probie I was watching of performing a liability investigation, blah blah blah. My guess, he was pissed that he had to take care of his kid rather than ski and have fun. I was raging mad after that. Good thing it was at the end of the day.

Delta - I feel better after I run and I feel like crap when I don't run, but I can't say that I enjoy it or look forward to it. I am more of a swimmer and cyclist. I run because it is the only exercise that keeps my weight off. I have heard of the runner's high and that people can get "addicted" to it. I don't know... running into burning buildings is a big enough high for me. :)

Stay safe.
Luno and emtff,

What's this I hear about a "runner's high"? I'm currently healing from a crash I had in late July; C2, C7 lateral mass, and L3 burst with vertebrectomy. Halo's been off for a couple of months. L3's growing back. Doing a lot of cardio/weights now, should get cleared to start using lower back and abs along with running next month when I'm cleared to start doing a work hardening program. Doing good on stair-stepper now, so running shouldn't be that big of a stretch... I hope.

Have you guys had much experience with runner's high? May sound stupid, but can you expect to get it. Or am I just reaching here?

I think it's a myth... ;) Actually though, I'm not sure I'd call it a high, but I think it becomes a crutch just like anything else, well at least it's a good thing... Short story, this summer I had been up for about 48 hours straight, traveled several hundred miles (by car and ferry)just been through a long day of hurry up and wait, and project meetings because we were kicking off a large project, and listening to everyone say their piece, and at about 1900, the owner of the company wrapped up the meeting, and dragged the whole team to the bar for drinks on him. Now with that picture of exhausted, tired, irritated, sound just picture perfect for a beer then sleep, huh? Nope, the only thing I could think of was "when can I get into my run gear and go?" Mind you, and this is one of the few times I'll admit it, I passed up free beer to go running, and I never felt better, after the run, I went straight to the bar, but I "needed" my run. It's a great stress reliever, and after the first month, I started looking forward to my time of pushing myself and looking for new challenges. Does that answer your question a little?

EMT, yeah, well working pro doesn't give ya the ability to take time "off" ;) The body is just beat, I'm starting to feel old... hahahaha... Anyway, it's kinda funny, on ourside the Pro Patrol actually does the liability investigations, well there are certain patrollers assigned that task, which is more critical especially since we have a rather large terrain park, with lots of manmade "features..." I guess it's alright since the vollies have their hands full dealing with incidents on the weekends. Well have fun, and hopefully we'll be digging ourselves out from all this snow come July... I think we'll run out of skiers before snow.
EMT, how's the snow in VA???

We've had 347" so far this year... :D
Not sure what our total is right now, but its 45 degrees and raining. Yesterday the conditions were perfect... sunny, warm, almost no skiers. We're almost 100% open, I think we're shy one trail.

Had some interesting injuries already this year, most notably being a dislocated patella and a dislocated elbow. Had a lovely, textbook, silver fork fracture yesterday. I wasn't on shift, but came by first aid at the perfect moment. The poor kid had a 3/4" drop off in his wrist/lower arm. Ouchie.

Its supposed to be nice and warm here this week with temps in the 50s so I'm going to try to get outside to run, rather than the gerbil wheel. My work schedule is all screwy now, so I'm trying to get back in the swing of things fitness wise.

Sounds like yall are having a great season. We only average about 180 inches a year.

Be good, be safe