Staten Island man dies after being taken down by police

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Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Or you can try this experiment, when an officer tells you to do something just do it.

Just like a dog on a leash rolls over when it's master tells it to, hoping that his obedience will spare him a beating.

Not everyone is willing to live like that, fortunately.


Forum Captain
Just like a dog on a leash rolls over when it's master tells it to, hoping that his obedience will spare him a beating.

Not everyone is willing to live like that, fortunately.

Didn't work out so fortunately for him.

terrible one

Always wandering
Just like a dog on a leash rolls over when it's master tells it to, hoping that his obedience will spare him a beating.

Not everyone is willing to live like that, fortunately.

I've found it pretty simple to not get beat by the cops. It's actually pretty crazy, but when they say put your hands behind your back you follow the directions. But hey if you want to try the alternative such as this gentleman feel free to, see how it works out for you.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Focus on the EMS aspect of this or become the focus of my complete and undivided attention.



Level 25 EMS Wizard
Well that was one of the most appalling displays of brutality by police and incompetence by EMS that I've ever seen. It's truly sad to say, but neither surprises me a bit.

The cops think nothing of using deadly force against a guy who is causing harm to no one, and though the murder victim was clearly apneic (and likely pulseless) before EMS even arrived, the EMS princess keeps speaking to him as if he is going to respond.

Lucky for EMS, the chances of successfully resuscitating this guy were close to zero, so their (lack of) action is unlikely to be found a proximate cause of his failure to survive. Lucky for the cops, they can pretty much do anything they want to people with little risk of anything sticking to them.

My humble predictions:

  • The city will settle, without admitting fault, long before this goes to a civil trial

  • There may be a token federal civil rights investigation, but if so, it will find no evidence of such a violation

  • The cop(s) who murdered this guy will be reprimanded but not fired or charged, and the brave city police will keep using whatever means necessary to protect the citizens from the awful dangers of voluntary exchange involving individually sold cigarettes

  • A cursory investigation will find that the medics who showed such enviable assessment skills did nothing wrong at all, and city EMS crews will continue to provide the exact quality of care that we expect of them

The EMS personnel on-scene appeared to be grossly negligent, but I would not say that this was "one of the most appalling displays of brutality by police" (Abner Louima, for example). I've personally witnessed much more violent and sadistic situations. Garner was not attacking the officers, so I can see no reason to place my arm around someone's neck unless they were actually attacking me. That aside, I can understand why the police placed the victim prone and held their head to the ground - the head follows the body, so if you control the head, the body can't go anywhere. The victim can't bite or spit (possibly blood if injured) at the officers from that position. I find it reasonable to hold that position for a brief moment, just long enough to apply handcuffs, then place him on his side, or as supine as possible without putting pressure on the hands or wrists. I'm going on this picture, on the right:

When I'm restraining a violent/combative patient (Garner was not combative, obviously), I always grab the head and turn it sideways (while the pt is supine), while another person holds the shoulders down, while others externally rotate and straighten the legs so that they can't kick. The NYPD has a papoose device that can fully envelop a patient while they're supine. There's no reason to continue to sit on top of the detainee after they're cuffed.

It baffles me why EMS did not pick up that the patient wasn't breathing. That's four careers down the drain right there, and deservedly so. I wonder how long it took them to realize that he was in respiratory or cardiac arrest and start working him?


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
My humble predictions:

  • The city will settle, without admitting fault, long before this goes to a civil trial

  • There may be a token federal civil rights investigation, but if so, it will find no evidence of such a violation

  • The cop(s) who murdered this guy will be reprimanded but not fired or charged, and the brave city police will keep using whatever means necessary to protect the citizens from the awful dangers of voluntary exchange involving individually sold cigarettes

  • A cursory investigation will find that the medics who showed such enviable assessment skills did nothing wrong at all, and city EMS crews will continue to provide the exact quality of care that we expect of them
#1 will definately happen. #2 may happen. #3 will definately happen. #4 is wrong. the EMS crew will lose their jobs (and possibly rightfully so), will be stripped of their certifications, and will be used by other EMS agencies in the US (not in NYC) about what can happen when this all happens.

Formal disclaimer: I know many people in the NYC EMS system; the traits displayed by these 4 do not represent the vast majority of the EMS professionals, both FDNY and Hospital based.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
My only argument is anytime one human kills another it's a homicide...that's the definition of the word.

This so going to be interesting to see where this goes.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Pantaleo was stripped of his gun and badge pending the investigation, and another officer was placed on desk duty. Two paramedics and two emergency medical technicians were suspended without pay.
so the cop who caused this man to die is on desk duty until the issue gets resolved, but the EMTs and Paramedics who didn't help him are suspended without pay? anyone else think that's a little unfair?
The president of the powerful Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, expressed his sympathies to Garner's family but noted Garner "was a man with serious health problems."

"We believe, however, that if he had not resisted the lawful order of the police officers placing him under arrest, this tragedy would not have occurred," he said.
great spin. not sure if i disagree, but great spin on the situation.


Forum Crew Member
so the cop who caused this man to die is on desk duty until the issue gets resolved, but the EMTs and Paramedics who didn't help him are suspended without pay? anyone else think that's a little unfair?
great spin. not sure if i disagree, but great spin on the situation.

Dude, where have you been for years? Anytime stuff like this happens, 99.99999% of the time the LEO gets a paid vacation for a couple weeks until such point as he/she is cleared of all charges, despite the overwelming evidence that they shouldn't be cleared.


Forum Lieutenant

Niki Caragua

Forum Ride Along
The cop had his left arm around his neck for only a brief moment. I wouldn't really call it a chokehold. It would have to remain applied to be called a hold, after all.

I could see why the EMT would, at first, be relatively nonchalant by asking if he could walk. There were numerous occasions where a perp starts acting up after getting the bracelets, making up medical complaints, thinking that they can get out of the arrest by going to the hospital. I get this with traffic stops too, with drunks claiming that they're diabetic, or faking wheezing and saying that they have asthma. I've seen similar scenarios to Garner's numerous times, where the perp flops around and complains about breathing and other stuff after getting arrested. The fake seizures can be amusing.

If a perp c/o diff breathing, I would do a quick assessment including L/S, SpO2, capno and B/P, then make them walk. I don't carry people, especially when they weigh well north of 300#, when they're faking illness, or even if they are a little sick but stable. I like to state aloud "to my partner" but really everyone in earshot how our findings suggest that nothing's wrong. For example, the drunk "diabetic" with a BGL of 150 and normal vitals at the accident scene.

OMG Seeing this comment had me seething with anger so much that I made a profile just to respond and let me tell you why! Anyone with half of a brain and especially "medical training" can see that this man was not faking it. So don't even go there. This was not a "fake seize" what you and I witnessed was this mans last breathe. OK he DIED. So do not side with EMS and say you can see why blah blah some other ignorance blah.

I have been an EMT/Paramedic for 25 years and in my 25 years and can tell you that this was gross negligence ALL AROUND.
Ive seen fakes, Ive seen good cops, Ive seen bad cops, Ive seen good and bad cops die! Ive seen innocent, Ive seen guilty, Ive seen death.

Normally when people are arrested they are first told to put hands behind back.
Watched this video many times(yes im traumatized), didn't hear it.
Normally some kind of Miranda is read...
Once again did not hear it.
Yes I will say Eric should have complied but I will also say when he started saying he could not breathe his head should not have been smashed into the ground, because in the choke you see he submits by bringing that arm up for the cops to cuff him, there was no reason for the head smash

Now the EMTS. Iam so appalled at these people and I hope they are stripped of their right to work in the medical field. Simply appalling. No "quick assessment". No stretcher, neck brace, cpr, O2 NOTHING!! They picked him up my his shirt! COME ONE!

My first thing I would have made the officers do is REMOVE THE CUFFS
You people come on here with your opinions like "oh he has a history", "oh hes obese", "oh he should have complied". Does that make you feel better about a dead man that "maybe" could have been saved if it were for the swift actions of a COURAGEOUS professionals of the medical field. Those emts and paramedics were weak and let the scared officers dictate the inhumane treatment of man lay dying in the street.

If it were you family member you'd would be singing a different song and dance and calling for everyone involved including emts and parameDICKS to lose their jobs.
Your comments make me ashamed to stand next to you and claim I am a medical professional.
Stop following the herd and use you own MIND AND EYES.
Something is happening is this world.
BRING COMPASSION BACK and stop justifying negligence just because they are our coworkers
If anything these emts and paramedics involved need to GO!!
Much love and peace to you all.
Even the ones that respond negatively and ignorantly
This video made me a better paramedic and person. Hope it wakes all you future Nicole whatever her name is that touched his neck all willy nilly and did nothing!!
do not be afraid to go against the cuff and do what is MORALLY right.
Off to be the change I want to see in this world!


Forum Troll
OMG Seeing this comment had me seething with anger so much that I made a profile just to respond and let me tell you why! Anyone with half of a brain and especially "medical training" can see that this man was not faking it. So don't even go there. This was not a "fake seize" what you and I witnessed was this mans last breathe. OK he DIED. So do not side with EMS and say you can see why blah blah some other ignorance blah.

I have been an EMT/Paramedic for 25 years and in my 25 years and can tell you that this was gross negligence ALL AROUND.
Ive seen fakes, Ive seen good cops, Ive seen bad cops, Ive seen good and bad cops die! Ive seen innocent, Ive seen guilty, Ive seen death.

Normally when people are arrested they are first told to put hands behind back.
Watched this video many times(yes im traumatized), didn't hear it.
Normally some kind of Miranda is read...
Once again did not hear it.
Yes I will say Eric should have complied but I will also say when he started saying he could not breathe his head should not have been smashed into the ground, because in the choke you see he submits by bringing that arm up for the cops to cuff him, there was no reason for the head smash

Now the EMTS. Iam so appalled at these people and I hope they are stripped of their right to work in the medical field. Simply appalling. No "quick assessment". No stretcher, neck brace, cpr, O2 NOTHING!! They picked him up my his shirt! COME ONE!

My first thing I would have made the officers do is REMOVE THE CUFFS
You people come on here with your opinions like "oh he has a history", "oh hes obese", "oh he should have complied". Does that make you feel better about a dead man that "maybe" could have been saved if it were for the swift actions of a COURAGEOUS professionals of the medical field. Those emts and paramedics were weak and let the scared officers dictate the inhumane treatment of man lay dying in the street.

If it were you family member you'd would be singing a different song and dance and calling for everyone involved including emts and parameDICKS to lose their jobs.
Your comments make me ashamed to stand next to you and claim I am a medical professional.
Stop following the herd and use you own MIND AND EYES.
Something is happening is this world.
BRING COMPASSION BACK and stop justifying negligence just because they are our coworkers
If anything these emts and paramedics involved need to GO!!
Much love and peace to you all.
Even the ones that respond negatively and ignorantly
This video made me a better paramedic and person. Hope it wakes all you future Nicole whatever her name is that touched his neck all willy nilly and did nothing!!
do not be afraid to go against the cuff and do what is MORALLY right.
Off to be the change I want to see in this world!

Not resisting arrest would have probably saved his life too..... Just sayin'


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Last chance to take the LEO bashing elsewhere.

Niki Caragua

Forum Ride Along
Not resisting arrest would have probably saved his life too..... Just sayin'
I did address this, he should have let them take him the case would have been thrown out but I didn't hear any rights being read or anyone say "you are under arrest" Its easy to just say "he shouldn't have resisted" but what of the prohibited chokehold?? ...Just sayin

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I did address this, he should have let them take him the case would have been thrown out but I didn't hear any rights being read or anyone say "you are under arrest" Its easy to just say "he shouldn't have resisted" but what of the prohibited chokehold?? ...Just sayin

I'm gonna ask this, what credentials or public safety experience do you possess?

My guess is none. So don't try and tell people, who's job you've never done, how to do their job. It's that simple.

Was this whole situation a disaster? Yes, it was. There's no denying that.

The chokehold did not kill him, positional asphyxia did. Are the police responsible? That's up to our justice system to decide. But at what point do we question his personal life choices and there contribution to his death?

Everyone is quick to say **** the police. Not many are quick to praise them.

My point is why not wait and see what happens rather than passing judgement.

On the EMS side there's not much to be questioned...they were wrong no matter which way you twist it.
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