Trees are being shaken due to the fact that what is obvious to you is not to others. Since you and I are carrying on the conversation, we speak "louder" so those within ear shot will maybe hear something of use to them. Most will not comment or admit to it, but most times a spark does occur and I respect those who have returned and stated such.
You, as I are a stage for the message.
I do not look down my nose and if you knew me personally you would agree as context is one of the hardest things to express on web boards. I am however growing more and more intolerant of ignorance and an unwillingness to change for the better.
I have yet to achieve enlightenment but I do have awareness...I believe it was you who attributed the zen to me for starters.
Anyways, I do respect your eloquent responses (nice to see proper grammar and spelling coupled with well expressed intelligent thoughts) and your sense of humor.
I have taken this a bit farther than I had intended, and certainly let myself get more worked up about it than I'd like to admit. It's true, what is obvious to me and you may not be obvious to another. Yes, this "debate," such as it is, will maybe wake up the sleeping, dormant cortex of some long disenfranchised medic.
I do take exception with having to pick the nits to make your point, but as said the point itself is true and cannot be argued with: Equipment used on the patient depends ON the patient, not on what is USUAL. My point was simply that the usual will get set out as a default setup, because more than likely it will be the one used. Looking back over the posts, I suppose I did not make that clear with my initial outing. I did not say it was the basic setting up, and that I did not mean that it was guaranteed which one I was going to use. It kind of spun out from there.
And yes, context is right behind biting sarcasm on the "hard to express verbal cues on the internet" scale.
What say we let bygones be bygones, let the animosity (should there any exist at this point) go and try to avoid the needless conflict?
As far as my diction, grammar, punctuation... Well, I have always been like this. I cannot, for some reason, stand to put up the usual posts on any message board. Hell, I even text message on my phone like this, and bought a QWERTY keyboard phone just so I could do it with minimal effort. I've always been a wordy person, and rather in love with obscure vocabulary at times.
You know what they say: If you can't be smart, you better know how to fake it well.
And humor? Well, if you were to meet ME, you'd know that I am about as random an individual that you are likely to shake hands with. I can range anywhere from odd and quirky, with a self deprecating humor to defuse a situation and get a laugh, to full-on hyperactive Robin Williams in his cocaine years.
In this instance, I was trying to defuse the "argument," such as you can have an altercation on the internet, by trying to calm both you and I (mostly myself) and get back on topic.
So... the partner I work with most of the time knows I prefer subs and salads for lunch vs. greasy, nasty food. So he plans on that instead of pulling into Hardy's.
There, that's my contribution. Forget the IV thing. Let's focus on food, as it's a nice universal constant in EMS to want to eat.