the 100% directionless thread


Forum Troll

99% complete (night time pictures will be posted tomorrow).


Flight Nurse
One of the toughest shifts I have had in a while. I have been dealing with a large SA bleed mixed with A fib RVR and an MI. Not looking good.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
How about we take the medical discussions to their own threads so they don't get lost in the chatter of this one?


Hmmm... your name is EMDispatcher... who do YOU think is really in charge?

Don't get me wrong when you're on scene as a provider or officer you have control of that scene, but the comm center has control of the county. Don't demand I move equipment When I have a better understanding of the big picture than you do... Don't think you can respond to calls after your cancelled, and then transfer staffing without telling me... Don't tell me how the call should have been dispatched, and complain why you weren't on it, especially when you've never set a foot in the Comm Center...And don't even get me started on volly fire chiefs...

Sorry, it's been a long and frustrating week...


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Don't get me wrong when you're on scene as a provider or officer you have control of that scene, but the comm center has control of the county. Don't demand I move equipment When I have a better understanding of the big picture than you do... Don't think you can respond to calls after your cancelled, and then transfer staffing without telling me... Don't tell me how the call should have been dispatched, and complain why you weren't on it, especially when you've never set a foot in the Comm Center...And don't even get me started on volly fire chiefs...

Sorry, it's been a long and frustrating week...



Forum Asst. Chief
Sometimes I just want to laugh at the people that say you can't be a good medic, without being an EMT first.
I've seen that theme repeatedly on Noc Medics the past few days, it's grating my nerves. I think it's going to be particularly annoying once I'm actually in the field.
I've done time with a medic that was an EMT for 5 years before advancing. I told him I was having pharm trouble, particularly dopamine and was told "just run it wide open till you get effects and back it off". Obviously field time doesn't translate to being a better medic.
I was going to rant more, but I'm cutting myself off.
Edit: I made a terrible mistake getting involved in that thread...
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Forum Chief
Sitting in a refresher today... and one of the first things brought up is profession vs blue collar. They are hammering us that we need to strive for higher internal standards before external standards catch up to us. That we need to strive for higher education among ourselves before we can expect anyone to expect it for us.
I'm gonna like this refresher




I'm working two days a week (24hr shifts) at a hospital based service, and making full time wages. I am making roughly $14,000 more than if I worked with my local private service working a 7-day rotation. Pretty sweet gig.

I applied for a PRN spot at another hospital based service as well as New Orleans EMS. I am really hoping for NOEMS, but I figure it'll take a few months if at all so I will probably accept the spot at the other if my interview goes well.

Oh, and Mississippi has approved state recognized Critical Care Paramedic licensure and the board is now ironing out a Community Paramedic licensure (in the infancy of the discussion, but positive progress). Cool stuff.
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Forum Asst. Chief
Sitting in a refresher today... and one of the first things brought up is profession vs blue collar. They are hammering us that we need to strive for higher internal standards before external standards catch up to us. That we need to strive for higher education among ourselves before we can expect anyone to expect it for us.
I'm gonna like this refresher

How is that being received by your colleagues? I know you're pro education, but how is everyone else dealing with it.

So I'm starting my degree in January, so I'm looking at jobs in areas I want to be in that require a degree, and I'm not coming up with much. I'd like to do advocacy or system design work, ideally, but not much of that exists outside of consulting (which is hard to get in without experience.) Maybe I can find a job with the NAEMT or something.


Forum Lieutenant
Oh, my! Never a dull moment! My church had their Christmas party tonight, and one of the teenagers FDGB into a plate glass window. He's all right, was taken to ER via ambo just to cover all bases. Gave me a chance to practice my assessment skills. I got as much as the ABC's and checking his pulse/pupils. Only after the medics took him and I was driving home in my car did the rest of it (DCAPBLSTIC, A&O questions, etc) come flooding back into my brain. Interestingly enough, even though his noggin is what hit the glass (as far as I could tell) the only broken skin he had was a few minor cuts to his fingers. Like I said, never a dull moment!

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I did it big and deleted my entire iTunes Library off my computer partially because all the music I care about is backed up along with the TV shows and Movies. Podcasts are pretty easily replaceable...

It freed up 94 gigabytes of space. My Macbook has a 160 (I think) GB hard drive. Wow...

Hopefully I'll have some sweet videos for ya'll tomorrow. Dumped ~30 inches where we're headed. Mountain Cowboys yeeeeeeeehaawwwwwwwww!


Forum Asst. Chief
I did it big and deleted my entire iTunes Library off my computer partially because all the music I care about is backed up along with the TV shows and Movies. Podcasts are pretty easily replaceable...

It freed up 94 gigabytes of space. My Macbook has a 160 (I think) GB hard drive. Wow...

Hopefully I'll have some sweet videos for ya'll tomorrow. Dumped ~30 inches where we're headed. Mountain Cowboys yeeeeeeeehaawwwwwwwww!

That's a tiny hard drive, especially considering the price of a Macbook. My $500 Toshiba has a 760 gig...
You can buy an external if space is an issue. Not sure the normal price, but I bought one last week that was 2 terabytes (2,048 gigs) for $70 during cyber week on Amazon. They sell single terabyte ones, too, they were around $50.
It's worth it to me, but only because I have a lot of downloads (my Steam library is now around 30 gigs, plus 105 for music and another 160 for movies... haha)

Oh, my! Never a dull moment! My church had their Christmas party tonight, and one of the teenagers FDGB into a plate glass window. He's all right, was taken to ER via ambo just to cover all bases. Gave me a chance to practice my assessment skills. I got as much as the ABC's and checking his pulse/pupils. Only after the medics took him and I was driving home in my car did the rest of it (DCAPBLSTIC, A&O questions, etc) come flooding back into my brain. Interestingly enough, even though his noggin is what hit the glass (as far as I could tell) the only broken skin he had was a few minor cuts to his fingers. Like I said, never a dull moment!
Reminds me of a time back in high school in my weight lifting class, one of my friends that I've know for years, he got mad and punched one of the windows on the gym door out. The kind of window they used to put in with the wire mesh. He ended up having to get, if memory is right, around 40 stiches throughout his arm.
The kid is just wrong in the head, though, ha. He's always been the kid that's running at 120%, 100% of the time.
I walked by him in another class once and the teacher made the mistake of putting him next to the window, so he could see the hall. He saw me and instead of waving like a normal person, just started hitting his head on the glass to get my attention.
He's not the brightest kid, but anything to do with vehicles he gets in a split second. It took me forever to understand rotary engines and we started talking about them one day and he had never looked into them, then he did and just after looking at a picture, he explained to me how it worked. It's insane.
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Forum Deputy Chief
So, I've never had bacardi 151... I've had it tonight. I mad my first drink too strong, I'm :censored::censored::censored::censored:ed. I've also never had grey goose. That :censored::censored::censored::censored: burns like a mofo!!


Flight Nurse
So, I've never had bacardi 151... I've had it tonight. I mad my first drink too strong, I'm :censored::censored::censored::censored:ed. I've also never had grey goose. That :censored::censored::censored::censored: burns like a mofo!!

Bacardi 151 put me in the ER and almost got me a tube.


Forum Angel
Lol the ER wanted me to intubate my drunk patient the other night that was breathing just fine on his own, with a GCS of 3. I'm like uh nope haha

He was intubated in the ER with a BAC of .573