What is your best EMS joke?


Forum Lieutenant
Three nurses are walking along the beach when they find an old lamp. One of the
nurses rubs the lamp and out pops a genie! "For freeing me, I'll give each of you one
wish," annouces the genie. The first nurse says, "I want to be twice as smart as I am
now, that way I'll be a better nurse." The genie puts his hand to his temple and
concentrates, then smiles and says, "It is done." The second nurse declares, "Well, I
want to be ten times as smart!" Again, the genie concentrates and then says, "It is
done." The third nurse, not to be outdone, asks, "Can you make me one hundred times
smarter than I am now?" The genie puts his hand to his temple, then pauses and askes
the third nurse, "Are you sure you want to be a paramedic?"


IFT Puppet
One word...Transcare


Forum Captain
I heard that Emergystat was a pretty good EMS joke. ;-)


Still crazy but elsewhere
Most moulage, and CPR that lasts over ten minutes without defib and a pulse.

Two Nebraska EMT's roll up code 1 to a police officer standing by a man sitting on the curb with disheveled clothes and hair. The officer says "Mr. Harry Johnson here says he is not publicly intoxicated," (Mr Johnson is nodding ponderously), and so not a danger to himself or others".
One EMT is taking Mr J's vitals and avoiding his breath, which reeks of booze and the usual aldehydes of a multi-day bender.
"Officer, I am not intoxicated!" he expounds.
The policeman squats down by him and puts a hand on his sholder (as full arm's reach). "OK Harry. What day of the week is it?".

"Uh...Friiiiiday? FRIDAY". :)
"Right. What is your address?".
"Um..2323, no, 2323 Robinwood Lane, Omaha, Nebraska.:)".
"OK, same as your license. Where are you?".

The officer gently turns Harry's shoulder so he can see that he has been snoozing on the lawn of the imposing state capitol in Lincoln.


:wacko:"Oooooooooooooooohhh.....". Harry said as the officer helped him into the ambuance where he lay down and promptly fell asleep.

(True story).;)
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Forum Ride Along
Three nurses are walking along the beach when they find an old lamp. One of the
nurses rubs the lamp and out pops a genie! "For freeing me, I'll give each of you one
wish," annouces the genie. The first nurse says, "I want to be twice as smart as I am
now, that way I'll be a better nurse." The genie puts his hand to his temple and
concentrates, then smiles and says, "It is done." The second nurse declares, "Well, I
want to be ten times as smart!" Again, the genie concentrates and then says, "It is
done." The third nurse, not to be outdone, asks, "Can you make me one hundred times
smarter than I am now?" The genie puts his hand to his temple, then pauses and askes
the third nurse, "Are you sure you want to be a paramedic?"

Lol, I started cracking up sitting in class.