If he works at all, Rusty will only be pulling a few shifts a month at an ambulance service when I finally drag his a** to medic school.
We are also very fortunate to have my dispatch wages and excellent benefits, no kiddos to support, and low housing expenses.
Yes, Tom, you will find most people work through paramedic school because they can't afford not to. It's almost a rite of passage. You know, it's as though a zombie walks into a room full of paramedics, says "I'm a medic student," and they all chime in an empathetic "ooooohhhh," because they were a zombie once too.
I say, if you can find a way to cut your hours partially or entirely, you absolutely should. You will learn the material better and perform better on clinicals and such with more sleep. The only advantage I can think of to working through school is if you are working as an EMT and you work with paramedics willing to help you learn and foster your growth.