You'll never see those exact same questions again. The system knows which ones you saw. You should get a breakdown of which areas you did well and which areas need work. I took the NCLEX-RN a few years ago (very similar type of test to what you just took) and the process I used to get through it was pretty much this:
Read the question. Read all the answers. Re-read the question and look for words or phrases that you might have missed, then answer the question in your mind for what the question is asking. Then re-read all the answers. There should be a couple that closely match what you're thinking. Any answer that you'd answer "That's true if this happens..." probably isn't the answer, even if it COULD be correct. The background knowledge you should have learned in class and the information contained in the question/answer page is all you need to concentrate at one time. The questions before and after have no bearing on what's in front of you now. Just answer the question and move on. The "SATA" questions are basically a series of T/F statements all in one group. If any one word in the statement is incorrect, then it's "F" and likewise the entire statement must be true to be "T." Select appropriately for what the question is asking for. Pay close attention to that...
Also, once you go even a SINGLE question past minimum, you've either been selected to run the maximum, or the system hasn't determined that you've clearly passed or failed so it now must ask additional questions to determine if you're above passing standard, below passing standard, or if you're somewhere in-between.
Don't stress about this. You've seen it now and know what the exam basically looks like now. Once you know the areas you need to work on, do that and occasionally refresh the other areas and try again.